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Why do extraverts like introverts?
As an introvert, I know why I like extraverts. But I never hear about why some extraverts like introverts. Can anyone enlighten me? I would love to hear from an extravert.
3 réponsesPsychologyil y a 6 ansIs Donald Trump the second coming of Jesus Christ?
4 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 6 ansHow can I improve my wireless internet signal/connection?
My wireless connection cuts out every so often and when it is connected, it runs slowly.
I m using a Netgear N-300 USB Wireless Adapter.
It got pretty good reviews, so I don t think it s the adapter that is causing the bad reception.
My router is downstairs, directly beneath the room that the adapter is in. So it s literally "right above" the router, just separated by a floor.
Is there anything I can do to improve my wireless signal? Unfortunately I cannot move either my adapter or my router. They both have to stay where they are.
2 réponsesComputer Networkingil y a 6 ansMy tower (or cpu) makes a sound sometimes of a door creaking open.?
What is this? It s not coming from the speakers at all. It s coming from some hardware inside the tower for sure.
1 réponseDesktopsil y a 6 ansWas ist ne "Empfindungssache"?
könnt ihr bitte mir das Wort mit kleineren Wörtern erklären? :))
Wie ich mit 5 wäre.
3 réponsesSprachenil y a 6 ansWhat is the best program for torrenting?
bittorrent, utorrent, . . . something else ?
Also which torrent sites would you recommend?
4 réponsesSoftwareil y a 6 ansWarum sind die Fliegen in Deutschland so groß?
9 réponsesSonstiges - Tiereil y a 6 ansWhy are GBP worth so much more than USD when it seems like you can buy more with $1 than you can with £1?
It seems like everything costs more in the UK. This is because
1. The prices are the same or higher as they are in the US.
2. The currency is worth so much more when translated into dollars.
So it's like -- not only are you paying like the exact same amount of currency, but the value that you're paying is even higher.
Why are GBP worth so many dollars when it seems like dollars are much more powerful?
2 réponsesOther - Business & Financeil y a 6 ansWhat qualities make a person "immature"? (Personality)?
2 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 6 ansMeiner Erfahrung nach oder nach meiner Erfahrung?
Nach meiner Erfahrung sind Gläser zu hart zu essen.
Gläser sind zu hart zu essen, meiner Erfahrung nach.
4 réponsesSprachenil y a 6 ansWhy did so many people like Bill Clinton?
Growing up, I had just heard a lot of times from many different people that Bill Clinton was apparently a really likeable president. He was before my time, so I don't have an opinion of my own.
Why do/did many people like him?
21 réponsesPoliticsil y a 6 ansWhere did STIs/STDs originate?
If the only way to get an STI/STD is by having sex (or sharing needles or whatever) with someone who has an STI or STD, then how did the first person ever get an STI or STD?
1 réponseSTDsil y a 6 ansWhere did STIs/STDs originate?
If the only way to get an STI/STD is by having sex (or sharing needles or whatever) with someone who has an STI or STD, then how did the first person ever get an STI or STD?
1 réponseSTDsil y a 6 ansWarum haben Männer Schambehaarung auf ihrer Gesichter?
9 réponsesBiologieil y a 6 ansWas ist der Unterschied zwischen zuhören und anhören?
Sie bedeuten dasselbe, order?
8 réponsesSprachenil y a 6 ansWhy do police always attack protesters?
I never understood that. Isn t it perfectly legal to protest? Why do police always involve themselves and make them violent?
11 réponsesPoliticsil y a 6 ansWarum sind so viele Säfte aus weniger als 100% Fruchtgehalt?
Bei Aldi, Lidl, Netto. . . . kann man keine Säfte finden (anstatt Apfelsaft oder Orangensaft) die aus mehr als 20 oder 30% Fruchtgehalt sind.
What gives?
7 réponsesGetränkeil y a 6 ansIch halte heute eine Präsentation auf Deutsch and braucht Hilfe? :O!?
Bitte lies meine Rede und korrigier mich wenn ich einen Fehler mache;
1. Autos
In Deutschland fahren fast alle mit kleinen Autos, wenn man mit überhaupt irgendein Auto fährt. Oft fährt man ohne Auto, sondern mit Zug oder Bus. Manchmal geht man auch zu Fuß oder mit Rad.
In den USA fahren manche mit kleinen Autos aber auch viele fahren mit großen Autos--vielleicht größer als sie eigentlich brauchen.
Man reist fast nie mit Rad oder zu Fuß, weil die Entfernungen zwischen Lagen ist zu groß, um das zu tun.
In Deutschland kostet Benzin um die 5 oder 6 Euro pro Gallone.
In Amerika kommt es darauf an, wo genau in Amerika man ist, wieviel eine Gallone Benzin kostet.
Wo ich in Florida wohne, kostet eine Gallone Benzin um die 3 Euro. Das ist fast zum halben Preis.
3 réponsesSprachenil y a 6 ansHow much tea is too much to drink per day?
I probably go through 5 teabags a day. (so like 3-5 cups of tea depending on how many teabags I use per cup).
It's Earl Grey (black).
I find it a lot more exciting to drink than water. . .
It doesn't make me feel sick ever, but it does feel as though I might could possibly be drinking "too much" if that's even possible.
What do you think?
4 réponsesNon-Alcoholic Drinksil y a 6 ansWhy do boys even exist?
Girls are way prettier and smell nice and are sweeter and nicer and more fun to be around.
What is even the point of boys? Why do people even marry them at all?
9 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 6 ans