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Why are GBP worth so much more than USD when it seems like you can buy more with $1 than you can with £1?
It seems like everything costs more in the UK. This is because
1. The prices are the same or higher as they are in the US.
2. The currency is worth so much more when translated into dollars.
So it's like -- not only are you paying like the exact same amount of currency, but the value that you're paying is even higher.
Why are GBP worth so many dollars when it seems like dollars are much more powerful?
2 réponses
- il y a 6 ans
Because GBP is more powerful than USD and I think it is also because GBP is based on the history of that Britain has been the most powerful empire in history. Whilst USD has later power.
- il y a 6 ans
That depends on what you want to buy. Electronics goods are expensive in the UK because they are imported from China in smaller quantities. Fuel is more expensive because there's tax on it in the UK. Real Estate and accommodation is more expensive in Southern England because the shortage of land means prices are high. If you go to Scotland, Wales or the North of England, they are cheaper than the US. For the same quality, food is much cheaper in the UK. And standard medical care is free in the UK but costs a fortune in the US.