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emberfly a posé la question dans HealthDiseases & ConditionsSTDs · il y a 6 ans

Where did STIs/STDs originate?

If the only way to get an STI/STD is by having sex (or sharing needles or whatever) with someone who has an STI or STD, then how did the first person ever get an STI or STD?

Mise à jour:

Also, is it possible to have sex with an STI/STD-free person and still contract an STI/STD?

1 réponse

  • il y a 6 ans
    Réponse favorite

    emberfly - It is not known when or where STIs/STDs originated. It is believes that when Columbus discovered America in 1492, some of his sailors were infected with syphilis which the sailors brought from Europe to infect the American Indians. In return, the Indians introduced the sailors to grow tobacco in Europe and which has killed millions more people than all the STDs. And, NO you CANNOT get an STI/STD infection from a person who does not have the infection although you can get some STIs without sex - such as sharing dirty needles while doing drugs or by dirty tattooing needles or any blood exchange.

    a doctoe

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