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Frank B
I am very symetrical. I'm telling you, one side is exactly like the other. That's it. Oh, I like coffee. And tea, but not sissy herbal teas. I hate Tyler Perry. I mean I really hate him.
Do you think Wynton Marsalis has helped or hurt jazz over his career?
5 réponsesJazzil y a 2 ansMay I direct your ears to an Essential Side Project original?
Input and constructive criticism appreciated. Thanks.
1 réponseOther - Arts & Humanitiesil y a 1 décennieConstructive criticism needed.?
This is a demo of one of our songs. Any input would be appreciated, but specifically, do the drums sound decent? Also, are all the instruments clear in the mix? Thanks.
3 réponsesRock and Popil y a 1 décennieTo believers: When my wife beat a rare and aggressive cancer, a lot of people told her that God saved her.?
My question is, why would God cause it in the first place?
I understand the question is a little infantile, but I would like some thoughtful answers.
23 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieIf objective morality exists, would it be different if it stemmed from God as opposed to man?
Also, what do think would be the differences?
7 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieIs it feasible to say that scientific and religious ideas have been taken to horrific extremes by man?
and it is man who should take the responsiblitiy, not science or religion? Or, is there something inherently bad about religion or science, or both?
9 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieTo a believer: When and how has God intervened for you when you needed help?
6 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieDoes objective morality exist?
11 réponsesPhilosophyil y a 1 décennieDoes objective morality exist?
8 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieIs there anything spiritual wrong with half and half?
Especially in piping hot coffee.
10 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieIf God exists, then why is my cat deaf? Why would He do that?
Poor cat.
18 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieWhy exactly was the concept of 'Social Darwinism' abandoned by cultural anthropologists?
Spiritually speaking, I mean?
4 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieWhy exactly was the concept of 'Social Darwinism' abandoned by cultural anthropologists?
2 réponsesAnthropologyil y a 1 décennieDo Christians feel persecuted in the U.S.?
Why? Could you give examples please?
5 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieWhere did cultural relativism go in dealing with others of different faiths?
3 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieWhat is some responsible criticism of science as a method to find truth?
4 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieHow do Christians rectify the apparent contradictions in the bible?
Or, do simply not believe they exist.
19 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieWhich is your favorite flavor of Fritos, spiritually speaking?
4 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennie