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Frank B a posé la question dans Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · il y a 1 décennie

To believers: When my wife beat a rare and aggressive cancer, a lot of people told her that God saved her.?

My question is, why would God cause it in the first place?

I understand the question is a little infantile, but I would like some thoughtful answers.

23 réponses

  • il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite

    After the fall also ground was cursed. He allows a lot of pain and suffering here on earth due to our free will but heaven is the perfect place where there is not going to be pain and suffering and we all are going to be healthy.

    God did not cause your wife's illness, He allowed it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    il y a 1 décennie

    Sorry there is no god, it didn't cause it and didn't cure it

    I believe we can provide two or three Answers that can provide scientific evidence.

    Reason 1

    Does Any God, Satan or Devil exist? Hypotheses


    Understanding: Anything that can be asserted with little or no evidence can be dismissed just as easily, so the extraordinary claims made by deist, which is that an omnipotent being (god or the devil) exists, would require extraordinary evidences for which religion cannot supply. Therefore, evidence for the existence of god is dismissed with any simple test such as the one that follows. It should be obvious to the most casual of observers that this test can only be applied to an being that is said to be omnipotent, because only omnipotence could be responsible for answering this test.

    Remember: Some religious books will state that the believers can not or should not test their god or the devil for that mater. So, if someone believes in god then he or she would be forbidden from testing god. Since (Atheist, Non-Believers or believers from other religions) do not believe in your god then they of course are free to test said god and show statistical truth behind blind belief in said god.

    1. Important Note: There is nothing that states anywhere in the world that we can not test the Satan or Devil, which is generally categorized as having similar omnipotence as god.

    2. God and devil are two dependent deities, if we show one does not exist then the other does not exist.

    Hypothesis: Does any God Exist? Data Collection and Test:

    This test will show either the gods/devils are not as powerful as claimed or they do not exist at all, in either case they do not deserve anyones worship.

    Here is a simple god/devil test

    1. God you will post on every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category on the Internet in exactly 30 seconds (GMT) after this post has been made. You will post worldwide and your post will state the following:

    "I am god, I exist"

    A) In every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category must have the same exact time stamp based on human time (GMT).

    2. Devil or Satan you will post on every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category on the Internet in exactly 30 seconds (GMT) after this post has been made. You will post world wide and your post will state the following:

    "I am devil, I exist"

    A) In every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category must have the same exact time stamp based on human time (GMT).

    We now have a working theory known as the God does not exist theory.

    **We have shown that no God of any kind exists!

    **We have shown that no Devil or Satan of any kind exists and established that God and Devils are mutually inclusive, so if one does not exist then the other does not exist.

    Thanks for asking such a wonderful question that we all can learn from and even get a little science in too, but the answer seems to be No God

    Reason 2

    Also science has even more definitive evidence that god does not exist, see this Article by NPR

    SCIENCE HAS FOUND GOD, see link below


    Reason 3

    I know the future and SCIENCE WINS

    In 5 billion ish years our sun will go nova and end the earth’s existence.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    God provides everything we need NOT to get diseases such as cancer. In Isaiah it states 'that by His stripes we are healed' - the 39 lashes He received cover every disease and illness category there is. Thus we can depend on prayer to heal us.

    Generally, it is accepted that 70% of all cancers are caused by the chlorine in drinking water.

    However as a general spiritual guideline, cancer and heart problems are generally caused by demonic influence in ones life and can be healed through Holy Spirit cleansing. I have been involved/used a lot in this type of healing. Just the same as arthritis is caused by bitterness and unforgiveness.

    This is not a puerile question - most people are staggeringly ignorant of witchcraft and Christian principles in terms of afflicting and healing one - voodoo dolls are very real in my part of the world among many other things. Almost everyday a person is murdered for their body parts for example.

    People book themselves into hospital and die a little while later despite being medically examined and cleared.

    The problem you have is that many consult 'faith healers' or medicine men to get healed and they do - only its Satan doing it and the inevitable 'next time' is going to be much worse.

    The short answer is a question :) 'did your wife ask Him to heal her?' if yes then give Him the glory. if not then it generally considered that He would have had something to do with it to bypass Satan's work in any case.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    God is the giver of life . In His word, He says the thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy.That is the devil. Our Lord Jesus comes, so that we may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it [a]overflows). John 10:10 You have to read your bible to know and really understand that God loves us. That is why He sent His son to die for our sins. The best place to start is in genesis. But first if you are not saved, you need to give your life to Christ or you will not understand it any way.

    Source(s) : 1The Bible. John 10:10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it [a]overflows).
  • ?
    Lv 6
    il y a 1 décennie

    It really ticked me off when people told me that God, or their prayers, etc. is why I beat cancer. I guess it couldn't have been the team of surgeons performing three surgeries, or the Oncologist with his platinum, velban and bleomycin treatments that I went through for four months, or the fact that I tenaciously fought it, putting up with all of these treatments. Nope, the devil put it in me and god took it out. It is just bronze-age superstitions dealing with evil spirits.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    il y a 1 décennie

    I dunno....it's kind of like when a building collapses and a lot of people die. If one person is pulled out alive people will claim that God saved him, yet somehow it's not God's fault that the others died. He gets all the good credit, and none of the blame. That's just how the uber-religious mind works.

  • il y a 1 décennie

    Well God could of been testing her.

    He selects the few that a faithful to test them, but the few that are unfaithful to make them believe.

    Its a funny because today my mother told me a story from the bible regarding such a matter.

    In the old testament there was a story of a man (sorry i only know his name in Greek), and he was very wealthy, nice house, wife, family kids, ect. But he thanked God everyday and really genuinely believed.

    Anyways one day the satan spoke to God and asked ' Let me test this follower of yours with pains and suffering and see whether he still worships and believes in you.' So God let it be.

    So the man ended up losing all his property, his money, ect. He also got a disease where he had boils on all over his body. He ended up living in a stable, and his wife couldn't even bare to look at him, she throw the food into the stable for him to eat.

    Friends and visitors came to see him and were astonished to see he still worshiped God. Though his wife kept bad mouthing God in his face and his visitors.

    After 7 years the trial ended and the man stayed loyal and faithful to God, the man got everything back and even more, even his wife truly believed after that.

    In the end God selects a few special ones to be tested, its considered a great honor to be tested this way, because is seems God sees power in you and wants to see your worth. And there are alot of saints who suffered much for God. Some saint i know of are st Efstathios,, st panteleimon, St dimitrios, St george, the list goes on. Its all in Gods will, He works in mysterious ways, He gave the world science, but supernatural occurrences happen outside scientific explanation. Though many saints were Doctors too and performed miracles through Gods grace, so nothings impossible, if your a believer.

    I missed a few minor details with the story of the man in the bible, but im sure i got it mostly correct. Im certain you'll find it somewhere in the old testament if you ask someone more educated than I in the bible to help you find the story.

    hope it helps,

    God bless

  • il y a 5 ans

    "yet he says he loves me"... "I deserve it..." sure, there is a minimum of a feasible tournament, alongside with different useful factors like the dominant companion understanding suited, and having the excellent to make all the recommendations because of the lack of understanding and shown incompetence and flaws of the different... that are many times referred to. people who do no longer even see the possibility are relatively nerve-racking. whether this is stunning what documents could be made to in superb condition a preselected paradigm mutually with "God is Love". (activity a million? study as historic previous or parable, how "loving" are you able to get?)

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    Hmm.. idk maybe to show you and your wife there is a god it's really hard to explain

    everything happens for a reason

    for example

    my dad died when i was young because of that i put my purpose in anything i could find

    i went to church and became a christian eventually (my dad was already christian)

    i know im going to heaven

    he has a master plan and you'll never understand it until it's completed

  • ?
    Lv 7
    il y a 1 décennie

    Her doctors and her immune system saved her.

    It really irritates me when people give a "god" the credit due to hardworking doctors and nurses.

    @oom albert-

    Cancer is not caused by chlorinated drinking water. Where did you get that ridiculous idea?

    Source(s) : Biologist
  • il y a 1 décennie

    The arrogance of the religious is just too much to be amusing. How dare they! So, the hard fight and work your wife had to do; the skill and dedication of the doctors, nurses and others; your love and patients; is that all nothing; is that just to be discounted as "so what" just so they can squeeze in their favorite superstition.

    Their audacity makes me so angry.

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