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To every thing there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven . peace and light
He loves me...He loves me not...?
9 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennieIf loving you is wrong ...do i wanna be right ....?
16 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennieWhat kind of a person feels the need to resort to sending emails like this ?
From: Ia2400
Subject: shithead
Message: die painfully you shithead
To a complete stranger ,and without any indication as to why ?
I`m posting this on here because this is where i answer questions ,so i`m supposing that this is where this pleasantry came from...
32 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieThis year my resolution will be to try my best to free myself of negative feelings and thoughts?
and to give out only positive karma/energy
what New Years resolution (if any ) are you going to make ?
7 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieWhy do Christian prayers end by saying Amen?
33 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieIs it true that some American Christian Churches have ATM machines inside them?
someone told me that they have ,
but when i asked our Reverand here about it he said it couldn`t be any Christian Church because it wouldn`t be allowed as installing an ATM machine in a Church would be like inviting the money changers back into the Temple
32 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieWhy do people on here keep dragging the Middle East?
into answers they give about the Teddy Bear Story from Sudan ?
21 réponsesOther - Politics & Governmentil y a 1 décennieIf only Buddhists were allowed to be government leaders?
would we have a more peaceful world. ?
(This is a hypothetical question ,i`m aware it wouldn`t happen)
13 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieIs the US Dollar losing its status as the worlds leading currency .?
What effect would it have on the US if the world stopped trading in Dollars ?
13 réponsesOther - Politics & Governmentil y a 1 décennieThere`s speculation that Tony Blair could be offered the job of president of the European?
Is he a fit person to be in charge of Europe ?
15 réponsesOther - Politics & Governmentil y a 1 décennieSaddam's Iraq was Secular So Why is Iraq now turning into a Shiite Taliban State?
Personal freedoms are being squashed … the fabric of Iraqi society has been ruined."
Public parties are banned. Selling musical CDs is forbidden in shops. Those who sell or consume alcohol face recrimination, even death. Artists and performers are severely restricted and even labeled as heretics. A famous city landmark, a replica of the Lion of Babylon statue that stood here for decades was blown up by militants in July. It was considered idolatrous, according to the strict interpretation of Islam.
Signs ordering women to cover up appear throughout the city. One woman, an Iraqi female activist from Basra, says the notices even threaten death. One banner, she says, said unveiled women could be murdered and no one could remove their bodies from the street.
12 réponsesOther - Politics & Governmentil y a 1 décennieWhy do so many Americans on YA say that Americans have more freedom in their country than anywhere?
else in the world ?
and what freedom does America have that Europeans are deprived of ?
26 réponsesOther - Politics & Governmentil y a 1 décennieDutch Bishop Martinus Muskens has suggested that all Christians should refer to God as Allah,?
in a bid to relieve world tensions.
If Christan Church leaders agreed with him ,would you be prepared to go along with this new idea.?
25 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieWhy is it that anyone critical of Zionism is accused of being Anti Semitic?
10 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieThe United States have put terrorists and thugs in power in Iraq(Dawa and SCIRI)?
so why is the Bush Administration condemning Iran for arming the same groups that the United States itself is arming,?
these are terrorist groups founded by Iraqi exiles while in Iran .The Dawa party were responsible for bombing the
American Embassy in Kuwait City in 1983 and also for numerous other terrorist attacks.
14 réponsesOther - Politics & Governmentil y a 1 décennieWhy are only Jewish people allowed to be classed as Holocaust victims?
If the word holocaust means completely and burnt From the ancient Greek words .and the Roma and Sinti people were treated at least as badly as the Jews .why are they not allowed to be holocaust victims and have their suffering recognised and known ?
40 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieDoes this make a mockery of justice ?
A man who has been previously caught twice for drink driving
knocks a 7 year old off his bike while driving under the influence and the child later dies .
Is it anyones idea of justice ,that after serving only 6 weeks of his sentence he is let out of prison tagged ?
(in the UK but any answers are welcome)
23 réponsesLaw & Ethicsil y a 1 décennieIs there any scripture where Jesus himself told people that he was God ?
I can accept that Jesus was "Gods word" because its in the Bible, (to me Gods word means Gods Prophet )
But from what i`ve read in the Bible Jesus seems to always call himself the son of man .
17 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieFrom a religious point of view,what are peoples opinions?
on scientists experimenting with hybrid human/animal embryos ?
20 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennie