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? a posé la question dans HealthDiet & Fitness · il y a 5 ans

I've been working out before I go to bed lately bad or good?

I got a job working at a gas station kitchen (we get good reviews for our food) about 2 months ago. Compared to every other job I've ever had it isn't a physically demanding job. I'm also in college and I have one semester and a internship after this semester. When I got the job during the summer i'd come home and wait an hour before i workout but ever since school started I come home and do homework and then go workout and try to watch some TV but I'd crash around 9. I did it yesterday and woke up to my TV and the lights still being on, I turned them both off and went back to sleep. The workout I did was on my light days, it was 200 sit ups, 100 push ups, 100 burpees and a light weight lifting session, I did it before I went to bed. So is working before bed good or bad?

1 réponse

  • il y a 5 ans
    Réponse favorite

    After twenty years of obsessive fitness training, I reckon there are two rules for deciding whether something is bad or good: how does it make you feel over a five-week period? Do you like what it does to your physique over the same period? If it works, and you feel good - keep doing it until one of those things changes. Then do something else.

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