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I am an e-commerce entrepreneur and a journalist/voiceover artist. Also a seamstress, podcaster, certified master gardener and mom of an adult with autism.
What is this kid saying?
Aside from the abysmal spelling, he seems to be telling the other one to stop giving everyone v.d. and then comments that he saw him looking for a drug dealer. Am I close?
hey man stop spreadin the gift that never stops givin man i aint seen you in ages definitly didnt expect to see you all over town about bumps
1 réponseWords & Wordplayil y a 8 ansfor B. Klein and others ~ Tai Chi style question?
My friend does 24 form short with the same names that we usually see in the Yang form, but some of her moves are different. For example, she comes out of High Pat the Horse by crossing the ankles, weighted left leg in front, then the right leg comes up and she holds it bent at first, then kicks the leg out straight with the left arm out straight and right hand down and back. Then she brings both hands up in front with palms toward the face, at eye level. From there, Double Bees Buzzing looks conventional, and the turn around to stand on one leg, but Single Whip Squatting Down looks more like something I would call "needle UP from the bottom of the sea." She called it "White Tiger" and says this is an older style than what is usually taught. Does this resemble any style that you have seen? I'm enjoying doing it along with her, but I'd sure like to know what it is!
1 réponseMartial Artsil y a 1 décenniehow to repel a bumblebee?
It's gotten impossible to do anything in my yard because of bumblebees. At least I think they are bumblebees and not carpenter bees. I don't get close enough to look at their bellies. I am only ever harassed by one at a time. Is there something I can wear that will make them not want to bump into me? I am already using a scent-free shampoo. I don't wear cologne, and no makeup in the yard.
1 réponseOther - Home & Gardenil y a 1 décenniewhat does this email subject line mean? "Dear (me)@(me).com Tue, 16 Dec 2008 01:33:35 +0900 720FF!"?
I took out the actual name and put (me) in parentheses. There was no message. It looks like it was sent to me, from me.
3 réponsesSecurityil y a 1 décennie2 questions about skunks?
Please don't answer this unless you actually know. Post your experience/credentials.
1. What could make a skunk spray, besides dogs or people? We've been here for 10 years and never had a problem. Suddenly, there was spray twice last week, so bad we were gagging insides the house with all the windows shut. We don't have a dog and my neighbors' dogs all stay on their leashes. I've never seen any critters in my yard except the skunks, woodchucks and turkeys, and of course the small birds. I've never seen a raccoon or a deer here. We're several blocks from any woods. I'm sure we have small rodents because I keep a little patch of habitat and some of the neighborhood cats hunt in it sometimes, but in my experience, cats and skunks get along well. Would a skunk have sprayed a cat or another skunk?
2. I saw a huge one in my garage tonight. It's a wooden garage with a concrete floor and the overhead door is broken right now, so it's open. Is there a way to tell if it's hunting or nesting, without getting into trouble? If it's nesting, can I use the garage to park my car? I know I can drive the skunk out with ammonia-soaked rags or something, but I don't want to unless I can't park the car in there. In Maine, leaving the car outside in winter is a lot of work. Sometimes it can kill the battery, and shoveling it out of drifts takes forever.
4 réponsesOther - Home & Gardenil y a 1 décennieParliamentary Procedure?
We are a nonprofit organization that is 30 years old. We have a Board of Directors. the Executive and Personnel Committees have been working together to hire a new Director. In the process, the office space needs to be rearranged. The old-time, mom-and-pop staff does not want to do it, they don't want any more Directors, and they will try to influence the Board to keep them happy and productive by voting their way. Can we just decide the office rearrangement in committee without taking it to a vote?
1 réponseCommunity Serviceil y a 1 décennieParliamentarians - how would you handle this?
We are a nonprofit organization that is 30 years old. We have a Board of Directors. the Executive and Personnel Committees have been working together to hire a new Director. In the process, the office space needs to be rearranged. The old-time, mom-and-pop staff does not want to do it, they don't want any more Directors, and they will try to influence the Board to keep them happy and productive by voting their way. Can we just decide the office rearrangement in committee without taking it to a vote?
1 réponseCivic Participationil y a 1 décennieA good gift for someone going to South America?
What's a good bon voyage gift for a 65-year-old man who's headed to Guatemala? He's planning to open a school for people with autism. We're giving him money for his project but we'd like a personal gift as well, something that would be useful. He'll be living in both places.
He's retiring after 30 years as a live-in caretaker to 7 men with autism. No souvenirs! He has a suitcase full of dvd movies and slideshows of his guys. They are all artists and builders.
4 réponsesOther - Latin Americail y a 1 décennieAnother question about Disney?
I changed my dates to get away from the Super Bowl. Now I am looking at January 3, 4 and 5. Anything special going on that week? Not many schools on vacation, I hope?
I got such great answers yesterday from mrguitarman2, drip, Kristina L, davidhobart47, itchianna and others. I've decided we'll stay on premises to avoid extra parking fees, because I was planning to bring him in and out for meals and at other times. I also knew about not having to wait in line, and also the quiet rooms we can sneak into if things get over-stimulating. We plan on using a wheelchair because it cuts down on the sensory input. We already use a wheelchair in high-crowd situations like big malls and amusements parks.
He just hates our Maine winters and he's always wanted to see Disney. He works so hard, I just feel he deserves a winter break. He's part of a sheltered workshop of 7 men with autism who build birdhouses for a living.
4 réponsesOrlandoil y a 1 décennieDisney resort or not?
I can't decide whether to stay in one of their resorts or not. I'm traveling with my son, who's 24 and has autism. We want to visit Disney when the least amount of children will be there, so I am looking at February 1 to 3. The difference in price is no more than $200.00. If we stay off-resort we'll have better food options because we can use grocery stores and drive-throughs. (He doesn't like to sit in restaurants) But the drawbacks would be the possibility of too much noise, and maybe not being able to find an adults-only swimming pool. Any opinions?
12 réponsesOrlandoil y a 1 décennieHow much should I pay for an estimate?
We asked my nephew to give us a quote for roofing and siding. We told him we just wanted him as a consultant because he lives too far away and we don't like to do business with family, and that we just wanted an honest appraisal.
About 2 weeks after we asked, he said he had other rfq's in town so he could stop by and do ours too. He worked for an hour. He inspected our roof. (Flat roof, you have to climb up through the ceiling) But refused to take any money. I feel like I should pay for his consulting services, especially since we have no intention of hiring him. I want to give him $50.00.
Please don't answer unless you are a homeowner, contractor or handyman. If you're not one of those, you can get reported for "no answer".
6 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 1 décennie2 plants to i.d., anyone?
By "anyone", I mean someone who has seen these plants in real life. I can google as well as you can.
These are on an island at an urban intersection in Maine, zone 4B/5A. It's a neglected garden plot but I don't know how many years it has gone un-tended. It's in full sun and not sheltered from the wind. They share the space with milkweed, meadow sage, bull thistle, 2 large but not overgrown red Japanese burberry and one large golden mound spirea.
The sagey-looking thing is about ten inches tall.
The vine has pointed leaves and small white flowers.
2 réponsesGarden & Landscapeil y a 1 décennieBird i.d. anyone?
I know they're not pets, but only Bird Girl in zoology had any insights. I kind of hope it's not a starling. In the second picture it's sitting just a few feet away from a robin. Do robins nest in pairs, and are the females brown and grey? The brown one is the one who does the brooding and feeding. It's the same nest that was used last year, does that mean it is the same bird? Early in the spring it hovers about 3 feet to the side and and below the nest, staying in one spot mid-air with its wings fluttering like a moth. Then after the eggs are laid and newly hatched, it'll leave the nest when you walk by, but just go and perch nearby and chirp a little bit. As the babies get closer to fledging, it will dive-bomb us when we try to come in and out of the house. Today the poop started flying and it'll be pretty nasty out there for a couple of weeks til they leave.
3 réponsesBirdsil y a 1 décennieDoes this look like a robin (new pic link)?
Please don't answer unless you know what a robin looks like! I can Google as well as you can.
In the sedcond picture it's sitting near a robin redbreast. Do robins nest in pairs, and are the females brown and grey? The nest is over my porch light. It's the same nest that was used last year, does that mean it is the same bird? Early in the spring it does the most amazing diversionary tactic. it hovers in midair about 3 feet to the side and and below the nest, staying in one spot mid-air with its wings fluttering like a moth. Then after the eggs are laid and newly hatched, it'll leave the nest when you walk by, but just go and perch nearby and chirp a little bit. As the babies get closer to fledgling, it will dive-bomb us when we try to come in and out of the house.
3 réponsesZoologyil y a 1 décennieCan a toilet get clogged later on?
I am so swift. I somehow managed to fumble the cap of my roll-on deodorant right after I had flushed the toilet. It went in and disappeared in a split second. The toilet flushes fine now. Does that mean it got through ok, or is it going to cause a backup further down the line? I am on city water.
5 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 1 décennieFirefox won't show images, even though it's enabled in tools?
The images show up on web pages but when I click on one, the page dithers and then I get a message that the image contains errors. It works fine in IE. Images are enabled under tools>>>content in Firefox. I am running Windows XP.
2 réponsesSoftwareil y a 1 décennieIs corn gluten nutritious?
I keep a bin of Agway Safe & Simple in my garage. I use it on my lawn to keep dandelions at bay. One night a couple of summers ago. I woke up to a ruckus - I hadn't closed the bin very well, and some wild turkeys were making a mess and a lot of noise. So it's obvious they like corn gluten meal. Is it any good for them? I have never fed wildlife, but this is a very bad Spring in Maine with a lot of snow cover and no place to forage. Should I carry my gluten stash down the block to the cemetery where I know the turkeys hang out, or would it do more harm than good?
1 réponseOther - Home & Gardenil y a 1 décennieHomemade toy sewing machine?
I asked this in Toys but it occurs to me that there may not be anyone older than 12 reading that section. So I am deleting that one and asking you guys instead.
I'm not interested in dollar value or anything like that, just wondering if anyone has seen one of these. It's the size of a toy sewing machine. The wheel moves but there's no hole in the sole plate, no place for a bobbin under the lid. It's just a pretend needle. As near as I can tell, that company name does not exist, and it's too crude to have been a salesman's sample. Was there a fad where people made these at home? I don't get how they could have cast the pieces, unless they're all salvaged. Here is a picture http://whozatvoice.com/mach1.jpg
4 réponsesHobbies & Craftsil y a 1 décennieWould you do it?
I have an internet stalker. They searched the internet to find out whatever they could about me, then began posting it here. None of what they found was damaging or personal, but this person is very racist and very cruel to disabled children, so they have posted horrible things, and not just about me. It took Yahoo months to delete it all. Meanwhile, I am a competitive person so I went hunting as well, and found evidence of some fraud and stealing that they neglected to cover up. Should I go forward with it, or just pretend I didn't see it?
1 réponseOther - Society & Cultureil y a 1 décennie