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Lv 7
Kacky a posé la question dans Home & GardenOther - Home & Garden · il y a 1 décennie

Is corn gluten nutritious?

I keep a bin of Agway Safe & Simple in my garage. I use it on my lawn to keep dandelions at bay. One night a couple of summers ago. I woke up to a ruckus - I hadn't closed the bin very well, and some wild turkeys were making a mess and a lot of noise. So it's obvious they like corn gluten meal. Is it any good for them? I have never fed wildlife, but this is a very bad Spring in Maine with a lot of snow cover and no place to forage. Should I carry my gluten stash down the block to the cemetery where I know the turkeys hang out, or would it do more harm than good?


Mise à jour:

The label assures us it's not harmful -good thing because my neighbors' dogs come snuffling right through it after I put it down on the lawn but I wonder if it has been stripped of its nutrirional value or if the turkeys can get something out of it, at least until I have time to go to Agway for some feed?

Mise à jour 2:

sorry, it's 1:15 AM and I seem to have lost my ability to type. Good night! Will check back later this morning.

1 réponse

  • il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite

    I would doubt it would be dangerous. Corn gluten is a byproduct of the wet milling process. I read how it is used in cattle and poultry feed. It is also considered a good fertilizer for plants that have already developed a root system. Not so good for the annuals seeds waiting to grow later in the spring! I think it also depends on what other ingredients are on the

    Source(s) : corn gluten research page http://www.hort.iastate.edu/gluten/?
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