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Lv 7
Kacky a posé la question dans Politics & GovernmentCivic Participation · il y a 1 décennie

Parliamentarians - how would you handle this?

We are a nonprofit organization that is 30 years old. We have a Board of Directors. the Executive and Personnel Committees have been working together to hire a new Director. In the process, the office space needs to be rearranged. The old-time, mom-and-pop staff does not want to do it, they don't want any more Directors, and they will try to influence the Board to keep them happy and productive by voting their way. Can we just decide the office rearrangement in committee without taking it to a vote?

Mise à jour:

Our bylaws does not address this question. In our bylaws it states that any questions not addressed will follow parliamentary procedure.

1 réponse

  • il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite

    So. This not parliamentary question. This question depend on bylaws. What you Americans call "sun shine" clause. Cannot decide in private. So sorry.

    Source(s) : So sorry. Then must have meeting in public. So sorry.
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