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7 réponses
- ?Lv 7il y a 12 moisRéponse favorite
It sure seems like it. And if they don't get Uncle Joe out of that basement of his with something approaching an acceptable explanation, they're toast in November. Again!!! <clap><clap><clap>
- Anonymeil y a 12 mois
I'm flummoxed that Trumpists can take an electoral college election victory with a president who has never reached any kind of stunning post-election poll results, and be so self-assured that not only does he represent a majority of the US population but that he will win the next election, WHILE ALSO considering that he has hardly come off well (to say the least) during the worst health and economic crisis in recent history.
- ?Lv 7il y a 12 mois
Oh great! It's Opposite Day, where you describe right-winger behavior and pretend it's Democrats who are doing it.
- Anonymeil y a 12 mois
Yeah. Trump will have an economic SHAMBLES in November. Good luck with that.
- Anonymeil y a 12 mois
They are but any entity would have a tough time combating the average American and their favorite president.
- Anonymeil y a 12 mois
Tn tn th tnn tn hbk