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? a posé la question dans HealthDiet & Fitness · il y a 5 ans

Exercise: Should I start taking rest days more?

I recently turned 24 and I think I'm starting to slow down a little but. I mean Right now I'm in college, working and on the verge of getting my own place. I plan on getting a gym membership when I get approved for place, the gym is only a nine minute walk from the place I'm planning to move to. Look for most of my workouts its usually just bodyweight stuff like push ups, burpees, sit ups, crunches, dips, pull ups and running (I hate running). I have weights but I usually either curl or do shoulder presses mostly because its only 140 pounds. Recently I've noticed that I'm starting to slow down could it be because of I'm juggling school and work or is it that I'm putting too much effort into my workouts. Just wanna know if I should start taking more rest days?

1 réponse

  • Saija
    Lv 5
    il y a 5 ans
    Réponse favorite

    If you have a really tight schedule you'll feel it in your body. It's good to have two non-consecutive days per week that include no excercise and to not excercise for several hours per day. Next week I'll be checking out the beginners' class of two martial arts but will very likely continue in only one of the two for the time being.

    Another reason might be your diet. Either you eat the wrong kinds of foods or you don't eat enough.

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