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Lv 7
? a posé la question dans Politics & GovernmentPolitics · il y a 5 ans

Are the extreme right slippery liars ? AS David Cameron abused parliamentary privilege to accuse imam Ghani , a terrorist supporter?

But then , afterwards change Hansard and pretend they did not mean it?


5 réponses

  • ?
    Lv 6
    il y a 5 ans

    Slippery liars no, slippery Eels on the other hand, yes.

    But methinks you've pasted the wrong link, its about Donald Trump, or was that an attempt on your part to kill two birds with one stone, if so its failed as neither of them can realistically be described as being of the extreme right and believe me when you do see someone who's of the extreme right wing your know it.

    But if you'd have said "right wing" then I'd be inclined to agree with you, for being a slippery Eel that is, not a liar.

    But no more so if you'd have asked the same about those who are on the Left.

    At the end of the day they're politicians, that's what makes politicians what they are, slippery slimy things that are hard to pin down.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    il y a 5 ans


    I do tend to think Mr Cameron put right what he considered a mistake.That is all that is required. This Government can hardly be described as "extreme right" ?

  • il y a 5 ans

    The link is about Trump.

  • il y a 5 ans

    They are all slippery liars in one way or another.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 5 ans

    We have no comment to make at this time. (Ooh, I love to do a little sidestep!)

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