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Why aren't all the white men out apologising for the murder of MP Jo Cox ?
13 réponsesCurrent Eventsil y a 4 ansI want my ENGLAND back? Dont you?
England where we judge people by how they behave and not what the colour of their skin is? it's a meritocracy, where people of talent and hard work succeed and not because they're white; a place where education was FREE, including university where we invested in our youth. Where we had technical colleges, where non academic subjects where taught, so we had a skilled workforce. i want an England where social housing exist and reasonable rent; I want an England where the average house costs only 3.5 times the average salary and not 10 times! I want an England where a couple can live on a single salary; I want an ENGLAND where caring about thsoe less able was ahallmark of a civilised society
12 réponsesCurrent Eventsil y a 5 ansWhy is the YA report system a lie as they do not actually bother anymore?
8 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 5 ansAre the extreme right slippery liars ? AS David Cameron abused parliamentary privilege to accuse imam Ghani , a terrorist supporter?
But then , afterwards change Hansard and pretend they did not mean it?
5 réponsesPoliticsil y a 5 ansHas Zac Goldsmiths campaign been the most nastiest in the UK of all time ?
Peter Obounre, a daily mail columnist thinks it is!
13 réponsesCurrent Eventsil y a 5 ansOK, USA it's been a great joke but it's not so funny now. Can you start voting for someone with an IQ in triple digits?
Time to let Trump to go back to the funny farm.
6 réponsesMedia & Journalismil y a 5 ansOk folks, can we all try and not threaten people with violence, or the rape.of peoples loved ones.?
We can be hard and debate, or even argue, but lets not sink to a low level, where people "hope" someones daughter gets raped!! Please, discuss.
Current Eventsil y a 5 ansNigel Farage, since this man lied about the so called "attempt on his life", is he fit to run the anti EU campaign ?
Since the ukippers complained about his question, it has now received the OK! so lets try again, funny how yo uhate freedom of speech.
12 réponsesCurrent Eventsil y a 5 ansNigel Farage lied about car incident. Does anyone truth him ? 5 days ago the POLICE told him it was foul play,?
Now, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/12088804/...
"Dunkirk’s prosecutor denied reports that Mr Farage had asked not to open an investigation: "If they had noticed a sabotage, they would have had to open an investigation"."
So, why is he incapable of telling the truth?
4 réponsesCurrent Eventsil y a 5 ans