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Lv 5
Magpie a posé la question dans Pregnancy & ParentingNewborn & Baby · il y a 1 décennie

Should parents be forced to vaccinate their children?

Now that the controversy surrounding the MMR vaccine has largely been discredited, should parents have the right not to vaccinate their children? Doctors can intervene on behalf of children being denied medical treatment by parents through the courts. Should the same happen to parents denying their children potentially life saving vaccinations?

Mise à jour:

Hmmmm, I hear a lot of people talking about the rights of the parents. Nobody seems to mention the rights of the child.

Mise à jour 2:

The Government represents society. How much of the upbringing of a child should be decided by society as a whole and how much by individual parents?

21 réponses

    Lv 6
    il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite

    Should parents be forced to circumcise their sons?

    Or Breastfeed?

    Or formula feed?

    Or Follow attachment parenting?

    Or baby led weaning?

    Or elimination communication?

    Or i could go on and on....

    If a parent chooses not to do it thats their business not yours or anyone elses just as its their problem if their child falls ill. The child is in no immediate danger not receiving vaccinations and some people have religious reasons for not doing it thats their business.

    **The child has the right to be protected by their primary care givers namely their parents who are granted the right to decide what they feel is appropriate to administer to their child.

    By that reasoning the government should be telling us everything we can do with our children and just take away the role of the parent...cause well if someone doesnt get their child vaccinated they must be such a horrible parent? Like seriously you honestly feel its such a huge deal? Worry more about the children living in hell being abused 24/7 and not being believed before you worry about someone not vaccinating their child for something they feel is dangerous or unnecessary.


    Its up to the parent to choose how to raise their children if the child is not in any danger then the government should have no right to deem what we should or should not be doing. Sorry but im not willing to live in a communist society where im told what to do every second of the day its why i live in a free country where me and everyone else i know or dont know is entitled to their own choices where it concerns their families and their lives even if i dont agree with them.

    Source(s) : Pro-Vac
  • Anonyme
    il y a 5 ans

    Because some parents believe in the studies that have been done that show vaccinations can cause some "Defects" in the development of their child. If you child is vaccinated then don't worry about what other people are doing with their kids. If you believe so strongly that these vaccinations are the magic solution then your child shouldn't be able to catch whatever it is these non-vaccinated kids are carrying, right?? Did you know at this point in time, the flu shot has a 50% success rate? Which means you have the same chance of not catching the flu whether or not you get the shot. I do vaccinate my son because I believe that it is beneficial to him, however I don't think people should be forced to vaccinate.

  • il y a 1 décennie

    While I believe they should be vaccinating - I dont think its right that the govt should decide for you. As long as the the majority continue to vaccinate - these potentially fatal diseases will be kept at bay. What about abortion - I am pro-choice, and I like living in the knowledge that I can decide what happens to my own body.

    In 2005 there were approximately 345,000 deaths from the disease - worldwide. 360million children were vaccinated between 1999-2005. Granted - the majority of fatalities were in developing countries - but, we have seen how swine flu has crossed the atlantic in such a short period of time. During the global campign 1999-2005 - measles fatalities dropped by 60% - that is massive.

    In 2006 - measles claimed it first victim in 14y. The child was 13. He was unvaccinated. He died after a string of outbreaks. He was taking immunosuppresive drugs for a lung condition which was under control. Had he recieved the MMR vaccine - he would probably still be alive.


    82% of children are vaccinated, 95% *should* be vaccinated. The other 5%, is children who cannot recieve the vaccine for medical, and allergen reasons.

    My point is - although it hasnt killed many children - it has the potential to. Its the fast intervention of medical staff that keeps the disease in its minor phase. And its the majority choosing to vaccinate, that keeps the cases of the disease at a minimum.

    As for the rights of a child... Well what about the rights of a mentally disabled individual, or an elderly person with dementia. They are not mentally capable to make their own decisions, so a responsible person has to make them for them, until such times the child is capable of making their own decisions.

  • il y a 1 décennie

    No, while I'm not a member of the anti-vaccine crew, the government has no business in what medical decisions a parent wants to make for their child. It's already forced in a way anyway as children have to have vaccinations to attend public school.

    I'm indifferent as to whether parents vaccinate their children. My son has been immunized as will my future children, so he's protected and leaves the rest to be none of my business.


    My son's rights flow through my husband and I NOT the government nor anyone else, until the day he turns 18. That's not to say that removing children from an abusive home is not within the government's scope.

    I make the decisions I believe are best for him (being immunized is one of them), and other parents have every right not have things injected into their children if they have reservations about it. Even if I don't concur with their reasons, they have them, and as parents shouldn't have their decision undermined by someone else.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    I lean toward libertarianism - get the government out of my life and my wallet - but this is a tough one.

    Perhaps the question is too broad: What vaccine and for what disease?

    What about the rights of children who may be infected by a non-immunized child?

    Everything has a risk but I think much of the hysteria about vaccines was designed to sell books just as much of the hysteria about climate change is designed to grab grants for academics.

    The climate has always been changing!

    If the disease is highly contagious and the vaccine has a long track record of safety and effectiveness I might be willing to have the government force vaccinations.

    That answer about not allowing non-immunized kids in public places is a good one. You may have a right to let your child become sick but we certainly have a right to protect ourselves from the infection.

    Thanks for making us think, Pica pica.

    Most of the upbringing should be decided by the parents. The more power you give to government, the more they want. Our politicians can't even balance a budget! You think they know how to raise most kids?

  • il y a 1 décennie

    NO. Now, I'm all for vaccinating, but that doesn't mean that other parents shouldn't have the right to make their own decisions. The truth of the matter is, most healthy children don't need vaccinations as a means of protecting their own lives. It's more to protect those "weaker" in society that can't be vaccinated and who would be in great danger if they contracted the diseases. Those children that are immuno-suppressed. Or those that are too young to be immunized. Contracting those diseases would possibly be life-threatening for them. Not so much so for the normal healthy child. I vaccinate all my kids and I think those parents that don't may possibly be putting other children at risk. But I still think it's their choice to make.

    Source(s) : Mom to 5 boys
  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie


    Check this video out about fluoride and mercury poisoning. Yes, the video does touch on some other theories and skepticisms but if you can take the 10 minutes to sit down and watch it, it reveals a lot of information about vaccines and even water. The vaccine portion actually starts around 3:20.

    Please, protect your children.

    "If China is to start making safe toys that don't have lead in them, or food that isn't poisonous-that means prices are going to go up."

    NO! Parents should NOT be forced to vaccinate.

    Ok.. rights of the child. What are government officials' rights to tell me what my child's rights are?

  • Trish
    Lv 5
    il y a 1 décennie

    If you're referring to the little boy with cancer, and he and his parents didn't want him to have chemotherapy, then I think the courts are wrong in that judgment to force treatment on him. I also am a non-vaccinator and believe that to force vaccinations on children would violate our very responsibilities as parents to our children to make the best decisions we can for our children. I have done my research and have concluded that it is in MY child's best interest not to be vaccinated, and I'm sure there are many parents out there who have done their research and have concluded to vaccinate their children because it is best for THEIR children. This issue isn't black and white and it's certainly not something for the courts to decide.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    Should Society fix a child who is suffering from a disease that could have been avoided in the first place?

  • il y a 1 décennie

    Absolutely NOT! And parents should also have the freedom to choose whatever else medical treatments their children may need!

    We're parents- do you really think we're not going to do what we feel is the absolute best for our children? When the government says they know better than the parents how to care for their children, I'm getting the hang out of Dodge!

    PS And I'm not talking about abuse situations here. That's something altogether different.

    Source(s) : Happily married, home birth mom of one.
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