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boulash a posé la question dans Science & MathematicsMathematics · il y a 1 décennie

Question about the t-statistic?

How can the t-statistic be interpreted? (I mean is there a meaning to the absolute value of the T?, I already know it's used to check if the means of two samples are identical)

Mise à jour:

@ niwriffej:

I'm glad to know you know the exact terms to describe the t-test, I would be even gladder if you answered my question

Mise à jour 2:

Maybe I wasn't clear enough...I already know what a t-test is and when to use it, my question is about the t-statistic: does it have a meaning? Can it be interpreted in any way? I found definitions that said it was "a measure of how extreme a statistical estimate is", which doesn't tell me much.

2 réponses

  • il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite

    The t-statistic is used exactly like the Z-statistic (standard normal variate) except it's used for analyzing experiments with sample sizes less than 30. The t-statistic distribution is symmetrical and bell-shaped like the normal distribution except it's a little wider. For samples sizes < 30 you don't have as good an estimate of the population standard deviation as you do with a larger sample - that's why you would use the t-statistic.

    It's used not only for comparing 2 population means, but also for comparing a population mean against a standard value and also for confidence intervals.

  • il y a 1 décennie

    It's not the identical part that matters, it's whether or not the two samples have statistically signifigant differences. That's primarily what the t-test is for.

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