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I'm an usual, regular guy
California DMV has the criminal inclination to fine, abscond vehicles, and jail drivers for inability to pay ridiculously huge traffic fines?
Usually, they go against federal law by penalizing people that could only pay by resorting to extraordinary and criminal means by suspending their license, and then adding up tickets for driving on suspended licenses until jail time becomes imminent. We cant tolerate this travesty of American justice any longer.Direct me to a non-violent coalition or I am obligated to protest to my demise. Pllease.
1 réponseLaw & Ethicsil y a 5 ansAnagrams of "computer animations"?
for example: o purest atomic mania, not a piano music term, master at mini coupon, atom in atom in pure cs, aaiimmnnoott pure cs
1 réponsePsychologyil y a 6 ansWord u play? How 'bout 'spirit'word'l?
spirit has two i's in the s-p-ar-ty
1 réponseOther - Entertainmentil y a 6 ansthis question was ananswer but somehow it ended up here....the question was how many gods are there? and yes ,you too, can q my anser?
when God was just a little thing, when the Word was bit, he collected lady bugs fo a judgement day. when the day came , he placed the can in the heart of yard and took role call as the beetles flew off. Quickly did the exodus culminate, and when the buzz had all ebbed and the oonly name checked was hopelessly misspelled and probably misheard anyway...ahead scratched and with resign God said "God!"...and all present was accounted for.
3 réponsesMythology & Folkloreil y a 6 ansggggggggggg?
Being a German Fisher descendant, who lived near Adolf when we were kids, it doesn't surprise me that he grew up to be a public speaker. He never spoke, and once when we tried to lighten him up by throwing him in the pool, it resulted in boy scout farmers stealing my german brown lures. Einstein got his bug stolen. No, he wasn't evil,, but racist yes, and he was one to speak to everone when he did speak. He took what he held personally against himself out on the divided society. I followed the river and crossed a channel. He got a methamphetamine prescription after getting mustard gassed. Einstein gave up his safer refridgerator, and traded atomic energy for violin lessons. i created this language. perhaps it would have been best to have stuck together i really think a new day would have gone bloom instead of the halocaust of wsr going boom if we had. Sorry.
3 réponsesPoliticsil y a 6 ansattention is a valuable thing. how does one see one gets the right amount, without deceptions, crying out for it, being insipidly ,etc.?
I don't mind if you wish to skip standing at attention either.sometimes getting attention is an extensive tension, sometimes we must vie in contention for attention, and sometimes attention comes by a whetting of interest, a tension exemption
3 réponsesPhilosophyil y a 7 ansJack Angel went where he'll, to splash his face with water?
He flagged-down Jill , uptown still,
and trusted 'h' ear thereafter.
Or what? Say it ...now!
2 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 8 ansHang in there----a lady in there too isn't going to hurt.?
Hang in there----a lady in there too isn't going to hurt.
I don't mean to put your name down, but a certain conflicting predisposition is enhoused in the name Joseph Thomas. How about Joe T? Awesome. Once you get your confidence, son, even if your name is Gumshoe Doghead, people will praise your name.
Thank you for doing your job in the Forces.
Do not befoul your self-image to be more attractive---let her do that for you...but obey the Law, please.
Just off the top, be careful about being too direct. I really don't know why I say that. Perhaps let another enjoy the imagination of what you may be. In time, if that is what you really are, man have you got it made!. These aren't the greatest odds for this to happen, but as long as you enjoy the trip along the way, it's worth it.
1 réponseLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgenderil y a 8 answillard vs.millard in sewing machines?
1 réponseOther - US Local Businessesil y a 9 ansWhen is it true that a wind can move photons?
What is electromagnetic static? In our misconceiving minds? If one puts the batteries in a flashlight 'backward', can we project a beam of dark? har
3 réponsesPhysicsil y a 9 ansWhat can be verbally expressed that cannot be appropriately imagined?
There may be something of written expression that we simply have not learned to except. Perhaps if we don't talk about it...
4 réponsesPhilosophyil y a 9 ansWhy does God perform a 'Cesarean operation' on Adam so a rib can be born?
God creates both Adam and Eve in this grand old story. I am curious of the practical value of such whimsical method the character 'God' is depicted in doing so. Other sacred stories of the first man and woman are equally bizarre. I don't believe a woman is a subset of a man. What does the material of her origin imply?
3 réponsesPhilosophyil y a 9 ansMaths wiz extrordinaire Pythagorus is credited for first formulating the block lettered alphabet of English?
It is obscure rumor that it represented the"'Father's Prayer". Does this ring a Grecian Bell or could someone with a hunch answer back? Thankyou!
Languagesil y a 9 ansSuppose somehow a ten-foot wide hole was bored down through the Earth's center and clear thru to the surface.?
What would you experience if you were to jump into this bottomless pit? What would an observer with the tools to monitor your movement observe? Where is it, that you guess, your movement would come to rest? You may pretend to be impervious to extreme heat and any friction from bumping happenstance into the sides of the tunnel now and then. Presume the tunnel is tenacious in keeping itself straight and clear. Thank you.
2 réponsesEarth Sciences & Geologyil y a 10 ansIf Intelligence Quotient (IQ) has meaning, then what are the Dividend and Divisor?
Can there be a Remainder, or is it expressed as a fractional severated ear or something?
2 réponsesPsychologyil y a 10 ans