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Lv 7
? a posé la question dans Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · il y a 9 ans

Science and religion fit beautifully if one cuts the crap out of each. Does this interest you as a theme?

Mise à jour:

Onecannot be soopen that sociallevity dispels human reason. The gravity must be for a fusion of constructs of human nature within the realm of an environs as a function over time that thrives symbiomically, and not for any specific interest of either institution.To write an article of interest is a daring feat of grave offense?

Mise à jour 2:

thanks Jo.You see I don't need anyone to agree with me as much as an interest to exist to address concerns of international bearing such as human health , economic trends and fair standards of truth-in-resource, and tech backing for tolerances of business-bargaining snafus...actuarial nightmares being indescript in cost-benefit assessment . We can't continue to let a darkened sky or abstract geographic sentiments be a world authority of trends in market values. Blue sky and human suffering must be evaluated by some global life-objectiveness emanation of life/death care/swear, A-eye shant know their...?

Mise à jour 3:

thanks Jo.You see I don't need anyone to agree with me as much as an interest to exist to address concerns of international bearing such as human health , economic trends and fair standards of truth-in-resource, and tech backing for tolerances of business-bargaining snafus...actuarial nightmares being indescript in cost-benefit assessment . We can't continue to let a darkened sky or abstract geographic sentiments be a world authority of trends in market values. Blue sky and human suffering must be evaluated by some global life-objectiveness emanation of life/death care/swear, A-eye shant know their...?

Mise à jour 4:

thanks Jo.You see I don't need anyone to agree with me as much as an interest to exist to address concerns of international bearing such as human health , economic trends and fair standards of truth-in-resource, and tech backing for tolerances of business-bargaining snafus...actuarial nightmares being indescript in cost-benefit assessment . We can't continue to let a darkened sky or abstract geographic sentiments be a world authority of trends in market values. Blue sky and human suffering must be evaluated by some global life-objectiveness emanation of life/death care/swear, A-eye shant know their...?

2 réponses

  • il y a 9 ans
    Réponse favorite

    Not so much, actually, although I'm sure you could write a nice essay or book about the subject and A LOT of people would be interested. For me, I'm just a bit jaded with the topic, having recently had an irritating discussion with my family whereupon I confessed I was an atheist and they told me rather patronizingly that this was "the same" as being religious.

    At one time, I would have completely agreed with your assertion, but the truth is that now that I have studied religion and science more thoroughly, I just don't feel that the fit is all that beautiful. The more I've learned about world religions, the more I think religion is just a coping mechanism everyone has created to make sense of an inherently meaningless world. Science, too, is trying to make sense of the world, but in a way that is inherently different and often incompatible with the way religion makes sense of it. Science is based in empirical data and repeatable experiments. Things you can see and touch. Religion is based on what you can't possibly see or touch and it is not falsifiable. When science makes a discovery that proves something from a holy book wrong, the religious among us don't respond by rewriting their books.

    In spite of my rant though, if you want to write something on that theme you should go for it. It promises to be an interesting piece, regardless of my cynical thoughts.

    Source(s) : My 1:11 AM atheist rant
  • ?
    Lv 6
    il y a 9 ans

    Science and religion fit. It depends on how open minded you are.

    Source(s) : I am a Christian and I believe they fit.
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