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Lv 7
? a posé la question dans News & EventsCurrent Events · il y a 5 ans

Nigel Farage, since this man lied about the so called "attempt on his life", is he fit to run the anti EU campaign ?

Since the ukippers complained about his question, it has now received the OK! so lets try again, funny how yo uhate freedom of speech.

12 réponses

  • Anonyme
    il y a 5 ans

    He's a narcissistic self-publicist who lives in some fantasy conspiracy world where he's wonderful and 'the establishment' is out to get this public school millionaire banker.

    The main parties' 'Leave' campaigns will exclude Farage because they know he's toxic to all but a couple of million under-educated gullible fools. Those who worship Farage will already vote to leave the EU, but the 'Leave' campaign needs to convert those who haven't yet made up their minds. Farage will drive the 'don't knows' firmly into the 'Stay' camp, so the official 'Leave' campaign won't touch Farage with a dirty stick.

  • il y a 5 ans

    Nigel Farage s homophobic, racist and dishonest behaviour renders him as a fatal flaw in the Leave-The-EU campaign and the lightweight lack of ability of Ukippers in general to rationally debater shows them as a cult based on a one man band.

    Sadly Ukip had huge potential for good but have been degraded by the bullying, back stabbing and corruption in their leadership team.

    The lack of gravitas and ego based self aggrandisment of these losers is one of the greatest risks for the Leave-The-EU campaigners.

    There is no place for Westminster in a PEOPLE s referendum beyond certain tacit support.

    There is less than no place for a Westminster wanabe who has lost 7 times to get elected to Westminster in the leadership of the campaign!

  • Anonyme
    il y a 5 ans

    I'm not Farage's biggest fan but if all 4 wheels of your car come loose and one falls off, and your a controversial outspoken politician in the public eye, surely you can be forgiven for thinking you may have been the target of an assassination, and i certainly wouldn't hold it against him for leading the out campaign.

  • Lol your not the only one to have been given the OK this morning, I had this question deleted and reinstated today, following another post I had deleted and reinstated almost immediately. Think it is time Yahoo had a look at its dodgy reporters


    As for Nigel, I think he will put a lot of people off. There are plenty of undecided woters myself included, who would be totally put off voting OUT if it means voting for that smug toad

    I've just replaced this into Current Events, hope you don't mind

  • Anonyme
    il y a 5 ans

    More than fit to run the campaign. As I've said before you name me a politician that doesn't lie and I will eat my hat! Nigel has this country and its people at heart, and he is not frightened to stand up to the Europrats, unlike caMoron!

  • Anonyme
    il y a 5 ans

    On the basis of his stretching the truth , Farage is at least as qualified to lead the country as David Cameroon or Mustapha Corbyn.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 5 ans

    It seems SlimCheesy Cornflake girl and Cephalopod are notorious Yahoo Answers trolls.And I should add mister Jack H as well.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    il y a 5 ans

    Not really all that surprising, coming from Nigel No Friends.

  • Ash
    Lv 6
    il y a 5 ans

    I don t quite get the connection between lying and freedom of speech.

    You can all continue voting for usual Muppets and then afterwards complain that politicians never listen. Well, they don't have to do they?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    il y a 5 ans

    He's a passing distraction,which is Not to say that some UKIP causes are irrelevant.

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