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Pretty birds ♥
Hi, I am new to TTC. Any advice?
6 réponsesTrying to Conceiveil y a 1 décennieI need a someone to suggest a catchy name for my drama group.?
We are doing a play for children ages 10-13 at local middle schools and a library, so keep it family appropriate. We are also doing the play about poetry.
13 réponsesTheater & Actingil y a 1 décennieNot Ovulating!?
I was wondering if anyone else knew anything about this. I went to the doctor b/c I wasn't having periods (It is 5 mos. today since my last one). She prescribed Provera, but she said I didn't have to take get it then. I am kind of scared to take it because I have heard that your period is really painful and heavy after so many months of not having it. Should I take it? Also, I am kind of broke so I would need to borrow money from my mom (who also is broke) to be able to buy it. Or should I let nature run its course. By the way, I went to the doctor in October.
1 réponseOther - Pregnancy & Parentingil y a 1 décennieWhat birth control method (if any) did you use before you got pregnant?
7 réponsesPregnancyil y a 1 décennieWhat dog breed should I stick with?
I am going to be moving into an apartment that allows dogs up to 70 lbs. Other than getting a mixed breed that is full grown (so I know how big it will be), what other breeds are good. Please note that I am a runner and will be running with my dog every day. I would not like a small dog--I picked these apartments because they allow larger dogs. Please Help.
17 réponsesDogsil y a 1 décennie