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Lv 5
? a posé la question dans Business & FinanceRenting & Real Estate · il y a 2 mois

Can an out-of-state company, of a MFG park, charge the residents a percentage of their corporate taxes along with the monthly rent?

An out-of-state company owns a MFG park in another state.  They send statements, to the residents, with the monthly space rent amount to be paid.  Can they also add a percentage of their corporate taxes (going to that state) to the monthly space rent amount?  I've lived here for quite some time, this is the very first time I've seen this and this does not feel right to me.  I understand the space rent amount but why am I now responsible for a portion of the owner's corporate taxes?

5 réponses

  • ?
    Lv 7
    il y a 2 mois

    Sure.  They can do anything they want.  They could just up the rent, would be the same difference.  You have to realize your rent is figured to pay all the owner's expenses plus some.  You can agree to this, or you can move elsewhere.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 2 mois

    SMH, Manufactured homes are another name/type of mobile home....and  they sit in mobile home parks.

    if your lease is expired, they can raise their rent.  if their tax is $25 per lot per month, they can just raise your rent by $25 for a non specific reason...so what does it matter if they list it specifically for the tax or not

  • Anonyme
    il y a 2 mois

    I think you have spent too much time listening to Socialists/Communists.

    To make a profit, ALL Expenses plus a percentage, usually10% for an expensive item, MUST be passed on to the client. OR the company will cease to exist.

    Without a Profit Margin there can be NO "sales".

    Many items have a built in profit usually from 10% for expensive items, up to 500%± for cheap items like fish hooks.

    Furniture is usually 300%, that is how they often have 30% off sales. [Why?  To cover the many damages.]

  • il y a 2 mois

    Manufactured homes aren't in parks

    Mobile homes are in parks.

    Manufactured homes are mobile homes on fixed foundations.

    They are earning income in the state that the park is located in.  Unless the state doesn't have an income tax that they would be liable, the tax is being paid to the state that park is located in.

    -- businesses pay taxes in every state that they have operations.

    They can charge for anything they want, as long as you agree to it.

    If you don't want to pay this income tax (whether in state or out of state) don't own a mobile home in that park. 

  • il y a 2 mois

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