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Eugene D a posé la question dans Politics & GovernmentPolitics · il y a 5 mois

Should cancer research funds be shifted elsewhere?

So Biden says he's going to cure cancer.  

In Obama's last month in office, he signs a bill funding cancer research $6.3 billion in taxpayer dollars to further the search for the cure.  Wouldn't government spending be more productive elsewhere?

3 réponses

  • Anonyme
    il y a 5 mois
    Réponse favorite

    Me Mum, Died of Cancer. (c. 1995)

    She told the whole family NEVER give to Cancer Research.

    It is a Fraud.

    Like the Biden Cancer Research Foundation and many more are Employers, they use the Donations to pay themselves.

    Others Never spend a Dime on "Research", they waste the money on patient CARE, family expenses, and wages for the fund raisers.

    Think about it. IF you were hired to find a cure, and you knew your job would End if you did. Would you find a cure?

    Example: SALK VACCINE, how many workers were redundant when it was found, how many industries shut down because their product (braces, iron lungs, etc) were no longer needed.


  • ?
    Lv 7
    il y a 5 mois

    So much for the "pro" life stance. I wonder if you'd feel like those funds should be shifted elsewhere if you got cancer...

  • Anonyme
    il y a 5 mois

    Such as where? 

    I'm guessing you've never loved or even known a cancer patient.

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