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Do you wonder about Trump supporters who claim to have no idea why people hate Trumps so much?
Trump is caught in lies virtually every time he speaks in public by fact checkers from both parties. The lies are so ridiculously obvious that even Fox News catches him regularly and, for a while, refused to carry Trump's press conferences live because they were so full of lies. The lies are clearly NOT “fake media news”. Do all Trump supporters regularly lie to one another to the point they see it as normal interaction? Many of us hate people who lie once a month and Trump lies almost daily. Yes, Trump supporters, we hate people who lie and can't be trusted. It’s not OK. Never mind how childishly nasty and insulting he is to people. Who, other than a small child or a cranky teenager, is in the practice of name-calling? The people who are still so amazed by the hate Trump draws are either brain dead or can't read.
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