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Christopher Barnes a posé la question dans HealthDiet & Fitness · il y a 1 an

Question about drinking water ?

So I want to start drinking more water, and replace it with other drinks. I know its beneficial, but I wanted to know if there were ways that I can give my water flavor that will be healthy and that I can drink everyday. Maybe like a cucumber, lemon, or crystal light. I don't know, if there is something, just let me know. If not, straight up water it is then.

4 réponses

  • ?
    Lv 7
    il y a 1 an

    A slice of lime and/or lemon helps.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    il y a 1 an

    you could always put lemonade in your water

  • ?
    Lv 7
    il y a 1 an

    You can buy flavor water at the market. Poland spring is selling for around $1 for a 1 liter bottle sparkling water. 

    If you don’t want to spend that much, you can buy a water bottle that has a container that attached to the bottom of the cap (it looks like a shark cage for lack of a better word). Fill it up with slices of fruits. Put it in the fridge overnight and the next day, you should have flavored water. 

    Another option is to just buy a big water dispenser. Fill it up with water and ice. Add slices of fruits, let it sit, and in a few hours, you’ll have fruit flavored water. 

    I wouldn’t use crystal light or any other diet flavoring if you want to be healthy. They contain artificial sweetener and the jury is out on how healthy they are. If you want sweetener, use honey, agave, maple syrup, stevia leaf. 

  • Kyle
    Lv 7
    il y a 1 an

    like anything else, it's just getting used to the taste again.  i keep a 20 oz tervis mug at work and fill that with water.  i still drink diet soda and other drinks with meals and at home, but i still drink water too.  just start making it a habit, nothing's stopping you.  and you'll start doing it more.  

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