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Why dont people try to eliminate their flaws? Is it so hard? Have you evr tried to?
6 réponses
- Anonymeil y a 5 ans
Have you tried to eliminate your poor spelling flaw? Is it so hard?
- Anonymeil y a 5 ans
I've spent my whole life doing that very thing. It isn't popular among my fellow humans. In fact, they use it against me. It's like the same standards don't apply to them, since they don't 'try to be perfect'. But if I'm going to try, they damn well expect me to succeed. And they'll be sure to let me know the criteria.
I've taken a different sort of philosophy in my older age because of their reactions.
- Anonymeil y a 5 ans
I've tried to stop being too sexy, but what can I do, that's just how I roll.
- Anonymeil y a 5 ans
If I did that, I wouldn't be here. I would be working and paying taxes like a patriot!
- Anonymeil y a 5 ans
what flaws???