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Wrestling Section: Is TNA still on?
Is that contract still running?
6 réponses
- Anonymeil y a 6 ansRéponse favorite
Impact! Wrestling has somehow squeaked by having Destination America give them TV time until Bound For Glory at the start of October.
Source(s) : I'm a video game critic, it's kinda; my job. - il y a 6 ans
Impact Wrestling was on Destination America last night just like it has been all year. Impact Wrestling is on every Wednesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time and then replayed at 12:00 AM Eastern Time Thusday Morning on Desitnation America. What happens in October, neither TNA nor Destination America have said anything definitively. TNA did add more TNA Live Shows forthis fall though.
- Amy Flower 💋Lv 7il y a 6 ans
Yeah, it was on destition America last night and they are advertising a tna vs gfw show for next week