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  • Sind Holland Lops (auch Mini Lops genannt) das gleiche wie Widderkaninchen?

    Oder sind sie eine ganz eigene Rasse?

    2 réponsesNagetiereil y a 2 ans
  • What is an European Uppercut supposed to be anyway?

    Is it some sort of throat thrust with your biceps? Some sort of incredibly misaimed uppercut from the opponent's right? An upwards Lariat? Of all the standard moves that we are supposed to suspend our disbelieve on, the European Uppercut always made the least sense to me.

    3 réponsesWrestlingil y a 4 ans
  • Wrestling Section: Is TNA still on?

    Is that contract still running?

    6 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • Wrestling Section: How many people would it need to make a decent roister?

    - Undercard

    - Midcard

    - Upper Card

    - Women's Division (perhaps also Low, Mid and Upper)

    - Tag team Division

    - Women's Tag Team Division (??)

    Of how many people are we talking here?

    40? 50? 60? More?

    4 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • Wrestling Section: Was the WWE really that "kids friendly"?

    Because I thought there were some not-so kids friendly moments. There are those things called "Getting Crap Past the Radar", and "Parental Bonus". I actually remembered/noticed most them myself and did not copy/paste them from the TV Tropes page.

    - Santino "faked every Organism" when she was together with Beth Phoenix (which prompted immediate laughter from the crowd), also, in that context, "together" might have a different meaning.

    - Cena threatening to give The Rock a "Cleveland Steamer".

    - Summer Rae was "not properly stretched" by Fandango ("Baby "stretch" me?").

    - The entire reason Teddy Long was trying to teach Hornswoggle how to talk was because he is a dirty old man who wanted Hornswoggle to spy on LayCool. Also: Voyeurism.

    - Speaking of LayCool, the lesbian undertone was less than subtle.

    - Speaking of lesbian undertones: Paige.

    - CM Punk's rather racist remark about Rey Mysterio when John Cena stole JBL's limo.

    - Teddy Long nicknaming Hornswoggle "Horny".

    - Aksana in pretty much all her segments with Teddy Long.

    - That one Segment with Cena and Orton, which is also the pinnacle of Cena/Orton HoYay moments.

    - Cena's Rap on The Rock.

    - The entire "Niagara" TV-Spot segment.

    - Daniel Bryan telling AJ that with Dolph Ziggler, she "should already be used to 18 seconds".

    - "Big E releasing the Langston" - John Cena.

    - John Cena often gets some crap past the radar in his segments.

    - Seth Rollin's MITB Briefcase (and the buzzing sound coming from it).

    Any more?

    4 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • Wrestling Section: What the f-?

    So why is Jeff Jarrett working with TNA AGAIN? Didn't they part on bad terms? And what about Global Force Wrestling? Why does JJ still have rights to TNA and why isn't he completely abandoning the sinking ship? Is he really that desperate for TV exposure that he has to LEECH on other company's TV deal? How does all of this fit together? What the f*cking F*CK IS GOING ON?

    Excuse my rambling, I'm just... really confused right now because I can see what they plan to do, but I can not see the reason why they would do this.

    BQ: How do you think will the invasion angle work out?

    BQ 2: Do you think TNA and GFW will benefit from it?

    5 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • Wrestling Section: Is it over for real?

    - Gunner

    - Samuel Shaw

    - Low Ki

    - James Storm

    - Magnus

    - Austin Aries

    - Taryn Terrell

    - Awesome Kong

    Looks like the rats are apparently leaving the sinking ship.

    Do you think that many people leaving will finally break TNA's neck?

    9 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • What IS Dollhouse production?

    I heard some people in the Wrestling Section mention it, but Google didn t spit out anything useful. So could anyone explein to me what that is?

    2 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • So how was ECW doing during the Monday Night wars?

    You always hear about WCW and WWF's Attitude Era but hardly anything from ECW. How were they doing during the Monday Night Wars until they went bankrupt? Anything memorable?

    5 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • Is Bo Dallas a lost member of the Wyatt Family?

    Not only is he Bray Wyatt's real life brother, but his gimmick is creeping me out for some reason.

    9 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • Does the NWA still matter?

    3 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • What do you think about Spoony's Wrestling reviews?


    I think he deserves some props because he suffered through 2010's "TNA Impact!"

    Any other fans of The Spoony One here?

    1 réponseWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • Pro-Wrestling going TV-MA?

    This question has been on my mind for quite some time now: How far do you think would a Pro-Wrestling Show have to go to recieve a TV-MA rating? And do you think it would still be believable?

    4 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans