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Amazon locked my account, how to fix it?
I placed an order with Amazon.com and got email that they cannot ship and have locked my account for "billing details" that do not match credit car issuer. I called card issuer, address matches perfectly. Later I thought maybe it is phone number. Most people have work, home land-line, and mobile number, so I replied to Amazon explaining the old land-line is gone now, so that number is useless. That reply was rejected, "account blocked". I double-checked, yes, the Amazon email says to reply to this email to get it resolved. Why then does Amazon decide to block my reply, block my email address? I cannot contact Amazon in any way, since they have no phone number, and the online forms require signing in to my account, which is locked, no sign in possible. Is this a circle of confusion or what? Anyone know how to reply to Amazon when they ask for a reply and then they block my email address? Also, am I the only person with two phone numbers that can make Amazon have a heart attack and lock the account? I would think this sort of policy will cost them plenty of business.