Le 4 mai 2021, la plateforme Yahoo Questions/Réponses fermera. Elle est désormais accessible en mode lecture seule. Aucune modification ne sera apportée aux autres sites ou services Yahoo, ni à votre compte Yahoo. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur l'arrêt de Yahoo Questions/Réponses et sur le téléchargement de vos données sur cette page d'aide.

Second-hand iPhone XS voicemail asks for pw of previous owner?
How can I change voicemail password? No, I cannot contact the previous owner.
2 réponsesCell Phones & Plansil y a 5 moisHow to show dividends in a company's chart?
A few months ago, the Yahoo Finance site changed and dividends no longer appear in a company's chart. How can I get quarterly dividends to appear again?
Please no answers about demons and Jesus or "I can't see dividends, either" or spam about fake Yahoo Support phone number.
2 réponsesYahoo Financeil y a 3 ansWhere are the links to international, such as another country's Yahoo Answers site?
I'm in the U.S. at this time. The format of Yahoo Answers website has changed drastically starting about a week or 10 days ago. Now I can't find the links to YA China, for example, or YA Australia.
4 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 3 ansCan new lack of link color change be reversed to standard color change?
Several days ago, Yahoo Answers (and all other Yahoo product sites) stopped having normal web page behavior of a link's font changing color after visiting it – see picture below of normal change. Visited link color change is standard HTML / CSS for all web pages. I notice this lack of color change in different browsers, so it is not something I've changed. Is Yahoo taking away age-old standards for all of its websites? If I answer 20 questions in one day, the next day, none of the links stand out, so I need a nearly perfect memory, something I'm not likely to develop.
1 réponseProgramming & Designil y a 4 ansChange in Best Answer process?
I used to get 1 or 2 emails a week to let me know my answer was chosen best. In the past few months, it seems to have sky-rocketed to 30 or more per week. I also noted that a cluster of 40 or so emails came though for questions I answered a year ago. It's as if someone woke up a bunch of people and told them it was time to award Best Answer to year-old questions they had asked. Am I getting better at answering or has the process changed? Is the staff using more intense urging to get folks to award Best Answer?
3 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 4 ansWhy have my saved searches stopped finding anything?
I have several saved searches. Two of them typically find 5-8 new questions every day and another finds 1-4 new questions daily. Starting six days ago, none of my saved searches finds any new questions. It's the same in a different browser, same after deleting history and cookies.
Is Yahoo Answers just singling me out to punish me or is there a solution?
2 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 4 ansUNC TV channels no signal, why?
I use antenna only (don't pay for cable service), because I am not much of a TV-holic. Om my downstairs TV, I get all local stations fine. I decided to buy a small, flat screen digital TV for my upstairs office. The initial setup scan found all of the same channels as the downstairs set, except the four University of North Carolina stations (all "public broadcasting"), which are 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, and 4-4. The menu option to show signal strength shows 60-77 for the other channels, but zero for each of the 4 UNC channels. I repositioned the antenna five times and re-scanned for each position, but the UNC channels were never found. Are these stations somehow broadcasting in a special way that makes the signal zero unless I do something special, and if so, what must I do?
4 réponsesKolkattail y a 4 ansHow do I turn off the "Edit" function for another member's answer?
I have found that for a very rare few questions that I answer, the "Edit" button is disabled. How do I apply that same effect for another member's answer?
Conservationil y a 5 ansHas Yahoo Answers 'Relevance' rating method changed to favor 'newest' answer?
I notice now that the newest answer seems to be getting highest relevance, even when short and no thumbs up. What exactly causes this? Has Yahoo Answers decided to reward late-comers? Is there any real relevance criteria or is it the same as 'Newest'?
2 réponsesProgramming & Designil y a 5 ansDo you hate the new invasion of 'Trending Now' links?
Yahoo Answers has added this group of "Trending Now" links to get more revenue. Those celibratty "news" pages must pay Yahoo to get their link included in Trending Now. It is a big mess, interferes with reading the question and answers, and pushes the answers so far down, that some folks will not read as many of the answers. It actually punishes answers who are not at the top of the "relevancy" rating.
Anyone want to boycott "Trending Now"? If we refuse to click any of those links, maybe Yahoo will move it out to the side, like it should be. Next, they will start putting annoying video ads under the question! It's a game of bait and switch – bait you into participating in Yahoo Answers, and then switch the format to make it awful.
Boycott Trending Now!
3 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 5 ansHow do you block comments for your answer?
I notice in this question:
that the answer by "TWB" does not allow comments. How does one get that to happen?
8 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 5 ansHow can I get Saved Searches working again?
For about two weeks none of my Saved Searches were bringing up any new questions, compared with usually 10-20 new questions each day. I deleted cookies, logged out, logged in, same issue. Tried Firefox, Safari, same issue. Tried another computer, same.
I edited each of the three searches to increase the "Date Submitted" from 7 days to 30 days, but no new questions appeared.
Then I deleted those three saved searches, hoping to recreate them fresh, but after I choose all the details exactly as they had been before for a search, the page does not respond when I click "Save". I tried another computer, no response to "Save".
I unplugged my modem, waited one minute, plugged in again, same issue. I connect by ethernet, do not use a Wi-Fi router, so that's the extent of my network gadgets. Am I doomed to never again have any Saved Searches or do I need to wait a few more weeks for some IT guy at Yahoo to fix this?
2 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 5 ansHow is relevance determined?
We all know that Relevance rating is important. If there are, say 20 or 50 answers, the asker is not likely to read all of them carefully, PLUS the highest Relevance answer will always catch his eye. That is why the default arrangement is by Relevance. Two hours after my detailed answer, someone gives a small part of my answer as his answer, and the Yahoo Answers system rates his answer higher in "Relevance". Can anyone explain this? It is a tiny answer with NOTHING new to add. Is tiny the new winner here?
3 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 5 ansIs it a violation to ask "Why do people buy Chevy when Ford is better?"?
In other words, are questions that cannot have a real "answer" considered a violation of Yahoo Answers guidelines, and if so, why?
Other examples:
"How can Miley Cirrus think she's pretty?"
"Why do gays not know they look effeminate?"
2 réponsesOther - Yahoo Productsil y a 5 ansIs it OK to spam hundreds of times in Yahoo Answers if I also give a reasonable answer?
I notice hundreds of members are now spamming for Leo Privacy Guard. This company must have hired hundreds of folks to spam Yahoo Answers. The "answers" are fairly reasonable, although often lame, such as "Try googling for the info you need" or "Take your computer to an expert" or a rewording of another member's answer. Every member who is doing this has hundreds of answers, all include the spam for Leo Privacy Guard, but no questions. By the way, the spam answers are not just for phone questions. They are all spamming computer questions, too. It seems Leo Privacy Guard has given them all the same, well-laid out job.
3 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 6 ansHow to expand Saved Search results?
On more than one computer, using various browsers, my Saved Search results always stop at exactly nine questions. This has been a problem for quite some time. How can I get my search results to go to, say, 50 questions?
1 réponseYahoo Searchil y a 6 ansAmazon locked my account, how to fix it?
I placed an order with Amazon.com and got email that they cannot ship and have locked my account for "billing details" that do not match credit car issuer. I called card issuer, address matches perfectly. Later I thought maybe it is phone number. Most people have work, home land-line, and mobile number, so I replied to Amazon explaining the old land-line is gone now, so that number is useless. That reply was rejected, "account blocked". I double-checked, yes, the Amazon email says to reply to this email to get it resolved. Why then does Amazon decide to block my reply, block my email address? I cannot contact Amazon in any way, since they have no phone number, and the online forms require signing in to my account, which is locked, no sign in possible. Is this a circle of confusion or what? Anyone know how to reply to Amazon when they ask for a reply and then they block my email address? Also, am I the only person with two phone numbers that can make Amazon have a heart attack and lock the account? I would think this sort of policy will cost them plenty of business.
2 réponsesOther - Business & Financeil y a 6 ansWhy was this answer a violation?
Here, in three updates, are the details....
"You have posted content to Yahoo Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted and 10 points have been deducted from your points total. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.
Question: where can i download free movies for mac?
Deleted Answer: Vuze has worked well for me for several years, several versions. Maybe you can explain what part of it is not working properly. To simplify your life, don't try to use Vuze as a web browser. Do this instead: -- Go to http://torrentscan.com/ to find the torrent files. Most torrents will appear in the search for any site, since they all cross-list what the other sites show. -- Download the torrent file ("MyTVshow.torrent"). Keep all your torrent files in one folder. DO NOT MOVE THEM ABOUT after adding to Vuze. -- Launch Vuze. ? O (or File > Open > Torrent file). Click the "Add files" button at top left. Find the torrent file you downloaded. When you add a torrent for a TV series, it may show 13 or more episodes, plus extras, plus some goofy info file you will never read. Uncheck unwanted items.
4 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 6 ansWhy can all but one answer get "Hidden"?
Which is better:
Yahoo Answers can make your answer hidden, even if there are only two answers.
Yahoo Answers should change the database NOT to hide an answer unless there are at least three answers.
In support of the latter suggestion, the casual observer may not notice the hidden answer. Isn't that the real purpose of hiding it, to make it less obvious? I notice some questions get 20 or more answers with none hidden. What's up with that? How can it be fair "all but one" answer be pushed out of sight as "Hidden"? OK, I know: Life is not fair. But we can fix a few idiotic issues, I'm sure, if we complain.
It would be just a slight tweak of this insane software to tell it not to hide all but one answer. After all, if it is fair to hide all but one, why not HIDE ALL OF THE ANSWERS!!! Hahahaha!!!
2 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 6 ans