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What is account sharing and would this be considered it?
My brother subscribes to the WWE Network and we both use the account. We live in the same house but when I'm at college (I come home on weekends) I use the account. I saw today that The WWE Network is becoming stricter with account sharing and may terminate your account if you're streaming on more than one device at once. I really don't want to screw up my brother's account so any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
1 réponse
- ?Lv 7il y a 6 ans
I don't know WWE.
If you use the same account on the same computer at different times they can't tell and there's no problem.
If you are using two different devices a the same time, going through the same router and using the same public ip address, then I'm not sure. It depends how they track connections.
If you are on at the same time with the same account, through two different networks (WiFi at home, and 3G on a cellphone) and so two different public ip addresses, that's definitely account sharing