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  • When is Swerved supposed to premiere on the WWE Network?

    It keeps saying June but does anyone know a specific date?

    1 réponseWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • What wrestlers have had a Raw/Smackdown dedicated to them after they died?

    The only three I can think of are Owen Hart, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Benoit. Have there been any others?

    3 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • Does WWE have all the old Raw and Smackdowns and will they eventually be put on the Network?

    My family's had the Network for awhile but I've only recently started using it so I don't know how they've been adding content. I really wanted to see the (New) Hart Foundation but there are only 2 episodes from 1997. Will the rest ever be available?

    2 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • Are all WWE live events planned out in advance or will more shows be available?

    I really want to go to another WWE live event but there are none nearby right now. When I look on there page it goes into next year with nothing near me and I was wondering if they'll add more as it gets closer or if that's it.

    4 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • What kind of questions are in the WWE Trivia Board Game?

    Two of my favorite things are WWE and trivia games so I really want to buy it. My brother and sister are obsessed too so I know I'd have someone to play with. I just want to know what kind of questions are in it. Are they hard? Are they for little kids? I just don't want to waste my money.

    1 réponseWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • Big black spiders in the NJ area?

    I've lived in NJ my whole life and now I'm at college but in a woodsier area. Last year, my roommate and I saw a dead, black spider that was about the size of a nickel inside the student center. The other day my mom came to visit and we saw one outside. I was just wondering because the size was enough to freak me out but I was hoping it isn't poisonous.

    2 réponsesZoologyil y a 6 ans
  • Do you think the WWE Network will black and white the Reigns/Lesnar match?

    Brock was bleeding way more than has been seen for awhile and the program is rated PG. As of right now, it's still in color and I think it would pretty stupid to have the main event go black and white? Do you think they'll change it or leave it as is?

    2 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • Movie musical recommendations?

    I've seen so, so many of them but I'm always looking for new ones to watch and I'll take any suggestions. Thanks!!!

    3 réponsesMoviesil y a 6 ans
  • High School Story app on Kindle Fire issue?

    I have the app on my Kindle Fire and I love it but recently it wants to upgrade but its not available on my device. When I open the app it tells me about the upgrade, brings me to the site to upgrade, tells me its not comparable, then when I try to open it again it wont load. Does anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?

    1 réponseSoftwareil y a 6 ans
  • Why did Alex Riley become a commentator and stop wrestling?

    I just watched tonight's NXT where he made his return and he was crying so I was wondering what actually made him leave wrestling in the first place? Was it an injury? Or is it another reason?

    5 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • What stores tend to sell WWE Topps?

    I recently started collecting them and the two Rite Aids in my town had them but only once. It's really frustrating and I can't find anywhere else to buy them. Are there any other stores, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Shop Rite, etc, etc, that tend to sell them?

    2 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • Does anyone else have problem with the WWE Network app on XBox 360?

    My brother usually only uses it for live PPVs which buffer sometimes but the other day I tried to watch both NXT and WWE Countdown but it just kept shutting off. It kept saying the titles couldn't be played at that time but they worked on my computer. Is this a common problem or is it something with my connection?

    1 réponseWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • What is account sharing and would this be considered it?

    My brother subscribes to the WWE Network and we both use the account. We live in the same house but when I'm at college (I come home on weekends) I use the account. I saw today that The WWE Network is becoming stricter with account sharing and may terminate your account if you're streaming on more than one device at once. I really don't want to screw up my brother's account so any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

    1 réponseComputer Networkingil y a 6 ans
  • Does anyone know when and why WWE changed?

    I grew up in the Attitude Era and there were basically no rules for what they could or couldn't do. I know they had restrictions but they got away with so much. I stopped watching around 2006/2007 and just started watching again. Everything is so different. When and why did it started getting so "PG"?

    6 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • Is there anywhere I can watch WWE Raw?

    I moved back into college last week and I just found out that it takes 30 days for the WWE Network to add episodes of Raw. We don't have cable in our dorm room so is there anywhere I can either stream it or watch it later? Thanks!

    4 réponsesWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • Is everything on the WWE Network free once you pay $9.99?

    My sister gave me my brother's password so I could watch the Royal Rumble but now I really want to watch either Hell in the Cell 2014 or Money in the Bank. It's too late to call home so will my brother get charged extra if I watch?

    1 réponseOther - Televisionil y a 6 ans
  • WWE fans who subscribe to the WWE Network??

    Of course I'm moving back into college the day of the Royal Rumble so I will be unable to watch. My brother pays for the Network. Can I watch the Royal Rumble on my computer if he is watching it on his XBox at home?

    1 réponseWrestlingil y a 6 ans
  • What does my cat want when she taps me?

    I know that cats will tap you if they want attention but I can't figure out what mine wants. I've tried giving her snacks, playing with her, petting her, cleaning her litter box, but no matter what I do she keeps coming back. I don't know what to do. Any ideas are appreciated.

    2 réponsesCatsil y a 6 ans
  • How much would this tattoo cost?

    I want to get a tattoo of a sloth climbing up my leg but my mother told me it would probably be about $500. Does anyone know for sure? Thanks!

    1 réponseTattoosil y a 6 ans
  • Outer casing broke off USB flash drive?

    I fell asleep with my laptop on my bed with the USB flash drive still plugged in. I was getting ready for bed the next night when I realized the plastic covering of it was gone. The files are still all it. Is there anyway to keep the files from getting damaged? Is it safe to use? Thanks in advance!

    2 réponsesAdd-onsil y a 7 ans