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Lv 7
? a posé la question dans HealthDiet & Fitness · il y a 7 ans

Is it possible to live just taking suppliments..?

4 réponses

  • il y a 7 ans
    Réponse favorite

    No. Supplements can't provide you with healthy fats and other nutrients that your body requires to function. You cannot survive solely on supplements.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 7 ans

    For awhile maybe, but I think a healthy diet is a much better idea.

  • il y a 6 ans

    Someone tried to survive on supplements as he was on hunger strike and it didn't work out for him and he had to come down as he was getting skinny as the way the body works it needs nutrition not just vitamins so it's best to munch a real meal

  • il y a 7 ans


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