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What Do I do With/About the Bird Bath?

I have a bird bath near the bird feeders in the back yard. With all of the concern about the West Nile Virus and that disease being spread by mosquitoes that breed in standing water I am wondering if I should keep water in it or keep it empty. Also we have had quite a bit of rain that has kept the birdbath pretty full. So what should I do, let it be or remove it until the possibility of mosquitoes goes away?

3 réponses

  • Anna E
    Lv 7
    il y a 9 ans
    Réponse favorite

    Changing the water every day or so should do the trick. Most city water systems currently are chlorinated to keep out parasites and it takes the chlorine about 24 hours to disperse, and the mosquitos can't survive in the chlorinated water. If the mosquitos did lay eggs in the water after the chlorine dispersed, they would not hatch before you changed the water. Mosquitos only breed in water that has been sitting, or lakes and ponds.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 9 ans

    Get these things called "mosquito dunks". They look sort of like doughnuts. They contain ingredients that kill mosquitos. Put some in your bird bath. I've used them, they really work. They are inexpensive and you can buy them in most garden departments.

  • il y a 9 ans

    change the water every 2 days and it will be fine, the birds will like the freasher water as well

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