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TINKERTOY ..... the 1 & only
How do I remove the oily grime on the inside of my car windows?
4 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 4 ansWhy do TV programs and movies show the credits for everyone from the people who carried the bags and to the people who wrote the story?
And they do this even if the program/movies is 60 years old and the people they are crediting are long since dead. I often look at movies and TV programs produced in the 1950's and before and the credits roll but it appears senseless to me to give credit to people who are probably gone from this Earth. So, why?
2 réponsesMoviesil y a 4 ansHow do I remove the glue from packing tape from the plastic surfaces in my refrigerator?
When we moved last year I used the clear packing tape to secure shelves and drawer in the refrigerator so they would not fall or be bumped around. When I pulled the packing tape off there is residue of the glue still on the plastic parts. I cannot sand the pieces and places and have tried cleaning solutions but the glue is still there. What can I use to get the glue off?
5 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 5 answhy is my display incompatible with windows 10?
2 réponsesSoftwareil y a 5 ansWhy do my windshield wiper blades stick and how do I stop them from doing that?
I just replaced my windshield wiper blades on my car and they work fine when there is rain or the window is wet. But if the window is dry (after they finish wiping) they will stick and skip. So what can I do to stop them from doing that?
3 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 5 ansHow do I get Firefox to remember passwords?
many times when i log into a web site Firefox asks if I want the password saved. BUT sometimes it does not ask and thus i have some email and other accounts with the password saved and others that I want the password saved but Firefox does not give me an opportunity
1 réponseOther - Internetil y a 6 ansHow do I convert a Word document to double spaced?
I have written a document in Microsoft word and need to know how to get it double spaced so that I can better review and edit it.
1 réponseSoftwareil y a 6 ansWhat makes bulls and horses buck riders off their backs?
Are the bulls and horses given something to make them mean and angry or is it just their natural nature to buck to throw the riders off their backs?
4 réponsesHorsesil y a 6 ansHow can I convert photos saved with a .MAX file extension to a photo with a .JPG file extension?
These were photos scanned into my PC and the program that did the scanning used this "MAX" file extension. As a result I cannot view the photos at all.
3 réponsesOther - Computersil y a 6 ansHow to remove furniture indentations in carpet?
2 réponsesDecorating & Remodelingil y a 6 ansCan we no longer vote on Best Answers?
From it's inception until the latest round of changes to Yahoo Answers there were always ways to vote on which answers to questions were the best. Now it seems that that option has been taken away. So can we no longer vote on answers or is there a new place to vote on answers??
7 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 7 ansWhy did my pear trees stop producing fruit?
I planted the trees about 8 or 9 years ago and they did produce a lot of fruits until I pruned them back two years ago. Now they produce no fruit. They did not flower this Spring, but they have greened up with leaves and are otherwise healthy. But cannot understand why I no longer get any pears.
6 réponsesGarden & Landscapeil y a 8 ansWhat Do I do With/About the Bird Bath?
I have a bird bath near the bird feeders in the back yard. With all of the concern about the West Nile Virus and that disease being spread by mosquitoes that breed in standing water I am wondering if I should keep water in it or keep it empty. Also we have had quite a bit of rain that has kept the birdbath pretty full. So what should I do, let it be or remove it until the possibility of mosquitoes goes away?
3 réponsesGarden & Landscapeil y a 9 ansWhat Do I do With/About the Bird Bath?
I have a bird bath near the bird feeders in the back yard. With all of the concern about the West Nile Virus and that disease being spread by mosquitoes that breed in standing water I am wondering if I should keep water in it or keep it empty. Also we have had quite a bit of rain that has kept the birdbath pretty full. So what should I do, let it be or remove it until the possibility of mosquitoes goes away?
1 réponseInfectious Diseasesil y a 9 ansWould you like to see the new CEO of Yahoo bring back Yahoo360?
Yahoo360 was a web site that I and many of my friends really enjoyed and we were sad to see it dropped by Yahoo. We were all thus relegated to using Facebook for a social network. But we all would like to see Yahoo360 come back. Were you a Yahoo360 user and would you like to see it come back; with the problems it had fixed???????
1 réponseOther - Yahoo Productsil y a 9 ansHow do I keep the birds from pooping on my mailbox?
My mailbox has a house number sign on top of it and the birds like to perch there and generally poop all over the mailbox from there. When I wash the poop off the paint comes off also. Any ideas on what I can do to keep them from perching there and pooping. It seems to be Mocking birds who do this.
20 réponsesOther - Home & Gardenil y a 9 ans