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Is it a good idea to ask this teacher for a recommendation for college?

She's my AP Biology teacher, and we have a pretty good relationship, but the bad thing is that I got a 75 in her class first term because of some bad test grades. It wasn't like I was lazy or anything, I just had a hard time with time management. This is the class I put the most effort in and yet got the lowest grade in. I'm pretty sure my grade increased to at least an 80 second term though. I'm also planning to study science in college, so I thought it would be natural to ask a science teacher. But should I not ask her just because I didn't do well first term?

3 réponses

  • il y a 9 ans
    Réponse favorite

    Never ask for a recommendation unless you have received all A grades from a teacher. Otherwise, the teacher is not going to be able to write that you were a top student and the letter will not help you. It could even hurt you. The college admissions staff will wonder why you did not get a letter from a teacher from whom you earned an A.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 5 ans

    i'd easily ask this instructor for a advice. you've a longstanding relationship with him. It appears like he could comprehend you in and outdoors the lecture room. those are all issues that are major for a instructor to handle to jot down you a letter of rec. what's major is that the instructor is regular with of what variety of student you're and is regular with of your personality. do no longer complication about the very indisputable reality that you probably did not take each classification the instructor presides over. reliable luck!

  • il y a 9 ans

    Yes you should ask her. It is good to have a teacher recommendation. I used my teacher and it helped me very much. I even got a scholarship because of her recommendation.

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