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Leguman a posé la question dans HealthDiet & Fitness · il y a 10 ans

What's the best food after fasting?

I wonder what is the best food intake after a 24 to 48 hours fast.

As the digestive tract has been put to rest, is it better to eat raw or cooked food? I assume vegetables are better than beer and potato chips, but are there things to ban, or "goods" foods that will slowly put the digestive tract and processes back to work? And in which quantities?

Any serious info welcome!


1 réponse

  • Anonyme
    il y a 10 ans
    Réponse favorite

    Assuming that you've been drinking plenty of fresh, cold water…

    After a fast I always start with a single banana. I leave it a little while to digest (say an hour) and then have a raw leaf salad. I tend to stick to raw fruit and salads/ vegetables for the first few hours and then a bowl of lightly-cooked vegetables and brown rice once I'm feeling hungry and want a proper meal.

    I always feel so happy after my meal, I don't know why I don't do it all the time!

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