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Leaving cert maths question? (not homework!)?
I do ordinary maths in school,and i'm terrible at maths in general.I've been told by teachers that you need at least a pass in maths to go to any university in dublin (where i live).Is passing maths essential in order to get into uni? Because i've checked the uni prospectus of several universitys which tell me a pass in maths is only essential for certain courses.Who do I believe? thanks for your help!
5 réponses
- il y a 10 ansRéponse favorite
For most course you need maths, but 38% is actually a pass, and at ordinary level anyone can get it no matter how bad, just do a bit more work
- iLikePiano99 :-)Lv 4il y a 10 ans
What you really need to do is check out this site: http://www.qualifax.ie/index.php?option=com_wrappe...
If you search whatever course you are doing then you can look at the Leaving Cert Requirements which will tell you what grade you have to get in LC maths before getting a place on the course. I must stress however that most courses will not accept (although there are very few that do accept) a fail in maths - have you considered Foundation Maths? Most course will accept an A or a B in Foundation level maths...but you should really work on your maths! It is essential for the majority of the CAO courses - it really is not hard to scrape a pass (a D3 that's all you may need!) in Ordinary level maths!
- il y a 10 ans
If you fail maths you essentially fail you leaving cert to put it simple because most courses require at least a pass at ordinary level.The same goes for English.
Source(s) : 6th year - Anonymeil y a 10 ans
It used to be that way but they changed it about 5 years ago. Before this you officially failed the leaving if you failed maths. If you want to do any engineering course of any sort or science or construction forget about it without maths. But arts degree's and archeology degree's and the like will let you in without maths but your going to limit yourself to what you can do. You should get the past exam papers and keep doing them out and if your struggling get grinds it will be worth it best of luck.