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Why does Bohemian denote a disorganised lifestyle?
The Czech province of Bohemia is probably the most Germanised part of Eastern Europe with the most disciplined, conformist, easily governed population, notorious as the chief recruitment ground for the Austro-Hungarian bureaucracy, satirised by Kafka, and yet Bohemian is an international term for someone with a disorganised, "arty", free-love life style. How come?
2 réponses
- synopsisLv 7il y a 1 décennieRéponse favorite
During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries most people in the southern Romance-speaking countries (Spain, Portugal, Italy, France) supposed - incorrectly - that the Romany people (Gypsies) originated in the Cechy area of central Europe.
As a result, the term Bohemian became synonymous with the term Gypsy:- that is: rootless, poor, and irresponsible.
Henri Murger's 1851 novel Scenes de la vie de Boheme broadened the term to refer to the lifestyle of the new European urban poor:- Puccini later based the opera La Boheme on this novel.
Of course, the Romany lifestyle is nowhere near as chaotic or poverty-stricken as the petit bourgeois imagined it to be - but popular culture has never been famous for its exact grasp of facts. (You can compare the 1920's US prejudice that Mexicans were permanently stoned on marijuana).
But Bohemian became a universal word for 'gypsy'; 'gypsy' became a term for poor, dirty and irresponsible.
And the Czechs became the most anti-Romany people in Europe.
Many people imagine that because the Czechs are a neat and order-loving people they must be 'easily governed'.
Reinhard Heydrich made that mistake, so did the Soviet Union.
Source(s) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Vie_de_Boh%C3%A8me http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8375960.stm - BigsumoLv 6il y a 1 décennie
Just read a very good article on just this topic.
Source(s) : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-12711181