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Lv 5
Magpie a posé la question dans PetsDogs · il y a 1 décennie

Do you think that pet dogs should continue to be tested for immunity to rabies before entering the UK?

Currently the UK insists that pet dogs entering our country have had a blood test to prove that their rabies inoculation has worked. The EU will soon be deciding if we will be allowed to maintain that extra level of protection. Anyone have an opinion on that?

5 réponses

  • il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite

    Yes, I think it's a good idea - and not for pet dogs and cats, but for your wildlife that is susceptible to rabies, abut is not vaccinated against it.

    This is where I don't like economic treaties - it's fine to legislate economic issues, such as tariffs and taxes, but as far as I'm concerned, they should stay out of health matters.

  • il y a 1 décennie

    Definitely yes.

    In a country that is rabies free, it should stay that way. We surrender far too many things to europe, but that is a feeble government for you, giving away rights which should be preserved. Economic cooperation, *not*integration.

    I fully supported the introduction of the pet passport scheme, which allows a dog to enter England provided that the owner had the documentation to establish [among other criteria} that the rabies vaccine was administered & sufficient time had elapsed to ensure that it was effective.

    The argument that all dogs in England would have the rabies vaccination, does not stand up to close scrutiny as responsible owners *would* comply with the law, but all too many negligent/indifferent owner would flout it & rabies would be introduced.

  • il y a 1 décennie

    Yes we should keep up the rabies testing. We are rabies free as a country and we need to do everything we can to keep it that way. I lived in america for a fews years were they have rabies and it is a terrible disease . We need to keep are pets and are wildlife safe.

  • il y a 1 décennie

    yes as rabies hasn't been in the uk for a long time and it is still prevalent in europe we must continue


  • il y a 1 décennie

    Yes - we bow to much to what we are told to do by other countries on everything, not just this

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