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AT2020 microphone driver files problem?
Some driver files appears to be missing on my AT2020 driver.
I have an Audio-Technica AT2020 USB microphone with my Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit computer and I see this
The device appears in the devices manager window but not in the recording devices one.
When I tried it with my windows 7 professional 32bit laptop it worked perfectly see image below
As you can see there is a problem with the driver files but the files are in my windows32 folder, I don't know what is causing this problem.
Other - Hardwareil y a 1 décenniehow to stop a crazy driver siting beside you ?
Is there any special place to quick or punch someone who is driving crazy and you want to stop him.
I mean, for example, your in a car, sitting beside the driver.
He starts to drive like an asshat.
You want to make him stop but wont listen.
Where can you kick him, so that he will lose his conscience or die (if you feel that your life can be really shortly threaten) ?
3 réponsesOther - Cars & Transportationil y a 1 décennie