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Some people are saying I have an agenda. And yes, I do have one: don´t let them easily get away with it. It is incredible to see how much people are sleeping while our society transform itself for the worst. At least, history seems to repeat itself. I do stand high for true freedom. However, I don´t plan to make a zillion points by answering tons of questions, since I am very occupied professionally speaking.
What Wordpress theme could show a plugin on the front page (see example)^?
I am trying to find a theme that could show a scheduler exactly the same way as it<s shown at:
2 réponsesProgramming & Designil y a 8 ansWhat would be a good music for a company selling water fountains?
A good song for a water fountain commercial?
I got to create a commercial about drinking water fountains. What do you think would be a good song for it (Preferably with some water sound in it).
1 réponseOther - Advertising & Marketingil y a 8 ansWhat is the name of the website where you ask question to the computer about yourself and get answered?
There is a website to trick your friends into thinking a website is telling personal things about them. What is it?
2 réponsesJokes & Riddlesil y a 9 ansSEO question 300,000 natural links and a PR of 0.?
Go to siteexplorer, check http://ikariam.com,/ Now tell me with that massive amount of natural backlinks, 12 Dmoz entries and much much more why this site has a Google PR of 0.
3 réponsesSearch Engine Optimizationil y a 1 décennieSEO question: Why does www.ikariam.com has a Google PR of 0?
ikariam.com has over 211000 backlinks, all natural, 12 Dmoz entries, have been running for over 3 years and have a PR of 0. Anyone knows why?
Search Engine Optimizationil y a 1 décennieHow do they recycle furniture?
I heard that environmental companies now recycle (not reuse but RECYCLE) furniture. I know for a fact that wood can be transformed into energy, but what about leather and other material? How do they recycle furniture?
3 réponsesOther - Environmentil y a 1 décennieHow is metal recycled?
What is the process to recycle metal?
2 réponsesEarth Sciences & Geologyil y a 1 décennieWhat is contained in asphalt?
I guess there is oil, but is it possible to get me a list of chemicals/components of asphalt?
Thank you!
1 réponseChemistryil y a 1 décenniePourquoi les français croient-ils que le monde tourne autour de leur nombril?
Dans la presque totalité des articles du site Wikipédia, on fait référence à des détails souvent bureaucratique et ennuyeux sur la France. Pourtant, cette même situation ne se produit pas pour l'Italien avec l'Italie, ni pour l'Espagnol avec l'Espagne ou l'Anglais avec l'angleterre ou les États-Unis.
4 réponsesLanguesil y a 1 décennieI need a picture of a sad or sick NEMO... Anyone knows of a site?
4 réponsesDrawing & Illustrationil y a 1 décennieHow much water can be polluted from an average CRT monitor of 15 inches?
Since a computer monitor has an average of 5 pound of lead, traces of phosphorus and cadmium, I was wondering if someone could estimate how much water could potentially be intoxicated if a computer monitor was dropped on water.
3 réponsesEarth Sciences & Geologyil y a 1 décennieTell me of a few good websites to learn French.?
6 réponsesLanguagesil y a 1 décennieWhat is the question that you´ve seen on Y/A that you think mattered the most for you?
1 réponseYahoo Answersil y a 1 décennieWhat are the names of the common deities that we see nowadays near public buildings?
2 réponsesPhilosophyil y a 1 décennieWhere can I find about Roman Gods present into modern society´s governments.?
Sometime, we see these weird odd statues in front of public buildings. Do you know the name of these gods or what they are supposed to represent?
1 réponseMythology & Folkloreil y a 1 décennieAny mention about the Freemasons and the art of hiding the truth on plain sight?
Who first mentioned that the best place to hide the truth is on plain sight?
9 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieHow do I answer to a stranger who wants to commit suicide right now?
I´m not in the U.S. and I don´t know the guy enough to say where he lives etc... It´s kinda looser to text me, since he doesn´t know me much either... He says: I´m tired to waste my life. I don´t find any reason to live. I feel very sad this night. Then he sent another message: please just help me to find a reason to live.
I mean... what do I answer to this guy ??? Forget about telling the police, I am in a third world country and polices don´t handle those cases.
6 réponsesPsychologyil y a 1 décennieCan anyone point me to conspiracy theories or rumors from the ancient times?
4 réponsesHistoryil y a 1 décennieQuébec: J´ai 32 ans, un DES et je veux retourner aux études.?
Je voudrais me spécialiser en Administration, jai un DES avec Math 416, j´aurais besoin d´avoir une equivalence Math 436 et entrer au Cegep, a Montréal. Est-il possible de passer un test d´equivalence pour les math et pour le cegep afin de me rendre directement a l´université?
1 réponseÉtudes supérieuresil y a 1 décennieAt what specific tense are: ?
I did fight over it.
You did eat the ham.
3 réponsesLanguagesil y a 1 décennie