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  • Baby shower dilemma- Am I wrong to be bugged by this?

    Long story seriously short:

    I threw a shower for two of my girlfriends in the last couple years (separate showers). Now that I am pregnant they offered to throw one for me.

    I went all out for theirs. Hosted it at my house and paid for everything. Food, cake, games, decorations, invitations, etc. And I did this honestly not expecting anything in return. But now that they are talking about a shower for me they keep saying we can do it on the cheap and use a room at a local restaurant for the shower with a no-host lunch.

    This is really bugging me. The thought is nice I guess but I mean come on- I threw AWESOME showers for them and this is how they return the favor? Everything super cheap.....

    One has her house for sale and the other has a house that would be too small.

    This is why they say it wouldn't work at their homes. The friend with the house for sale outright asked me to host her shower for her, even though her mom and sister live here in the same town, because she liked my house better for the location.

    I can't help but feel like they are taking advantage of me. Am I wrong to feel this way? What should I do?

    11 réponsesPregnancyil y a 1 décennie
  • Would you rock a permed mullet ?

    for 10 years in exchange for paid college tuition plus room and board?

    You know business in front- party in the back?

    Just sayin.....

    9 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie
  • How do you get into the SEO field?

    Have business/marketing degree but want to learn more.

    5 réponsesSearch Engine Optimizationil y a 1 décennie