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Peace... so what?
Before you procceed, agnostics and athiests only...
Been pondering some philosophy and...
Oh my Tesla...
1-What value does peace hold?
Actually started to view it as a negative thing, we are overpopulatibg the planet, dreams of maintaining 7billion+ people on the face of this planet are mere pipe dreams, war controls our Numbers, maintains the balance, starvation, homicide, if there was more of these, the human race would actually have more reasonable numbers which this planet is able to sustain...
2- so what if we go extinct? What makes us different from any other species? Why should we survive at the cost of all other forms of life that actually gave rise to us through evolution. We are not superior, one day natural selection will deem us unworthy because we couldn't control our ***** and had to reproduce until resources could no longer support us, and we'll go extinct, and other species will go on evolving and reproducing and going extinct, we're nothing in this world.
7 réponsesPhilosophyil y a 6 ans