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Aren't we all? Please feel free to e-mail me at talktocolin@yahoo.ca if there is anything at all you wish to discuss.
Why do most of the people who use pictures on this site use them to intentionally sabotage their own "question" as a trolling technique...?
... instead of using a picture to add something to their question?
This is a serious question btw. If posting pictures is an available tool, why don't people use pictures to add to their question, it's almost always used as a trolling technique to surprise a potential answerer or to just **** people off?
3 réponsesPsychologyil y a 2 semainesHow is life itself not a contradiction of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics in that it seems to decrease entropy in a closed system (Earth).?
Is not life being able to take random resources from the planet and recreate itself into orderly biological patterns a decrease in entropy?
6 réponsesPhysicsil y a 10 moisHow do you know what your favourite colour is?
15 réponsesPhilosophyil y a 10 moisWhat does it really mean when fat people are hungry?
5 réponsesDiet & Fitnessil y a 11 moisWhy does Yahoo keep messing with the visual layout of the site instead of cleaning up the content? ?
This site is infested with trolls, gamers, and misinformation agents and they don't seem to want to do anything to reduce that. Personally I think that both the blocking feature and the anonymous feature help to protect and encourage trolls instead of limiting that kind of behavior. What else could the administrators of this site do to clean up the content?
10 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 11 moisDoes Trump have an inalienable right to lie to the American public?
3 réponsesPoliticsil y a 11 moisWhat should England do to make Scotland and N. Ireland happier within the Union?
10 réponsesPoliticsil y a 1 anWhen did Y!A change "Best Answer" to "Favorite Answer"?
9 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 1 an