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I just reformatted my hard drive. What do I do now?
My boyfriend stole my money, cheated on me with my mother, beat me up and set me on fire, but I really love him. Should I give him another chance?
My car iz broke. wuts wrong?
Will we all die in December 2012?
Why are Christians afraid of the truth?
Why are atheists afraid of the truth?
Does Romney eat puppies?
Does Obama make communists look like Barry Goldwater?
7 réponsesOther - Society & Cultureil y a 9 ansHow many questions would there be in Science & Math
If it wasn't for people trying to get someone to do their homework or mouthbreaters asking "Do you think we really landed on the Moon?"
3 réponsesAstronomy & Spaceil y a 1 décennieWhen my teachers said I was dense, they were talking about specific gravity, right?
13 réponsesOther - Scienceil y a 1 décennie