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? a posé la question dans Computers & InternetProgramming & Design · il y a 1 mois

How to COPYWRIGHT a WEBSITE? Is it required?

So I started learning HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT on my own for the past 6 months. I have gotten pretty good at it, and now I have the confidence to charge clients for my new skills.

My concern is, AFTER I complete my whole website and before uploading the files to a Hosting Provider (Hostgator, Hostinger, Bluehost etc...), is there a "LEGAL" aspect I need to consider before saying to the client "Hey, the site is online and ready!"..??????????

Ive seen they add the "COPYRIGHT © 2021" at the footer of the website....

Do I only need to add that text on the footer and be done? 

Can someone guide me if theres are legal steps I need to take? I'm living outside the U.S. so please conside that....

Thanks for your help if you are reading this, I have been out of work and web development has been something that has motivated me a lot.

Have a nice day!

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