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Journalisim ?
This after noon I was watching DR Oz show and he talking about the murder case of Jan Bennet Ramsay
Who do you think kill the beautiful little girl ?
A police officer said the case is still open
HOw come with advance DNA they never solve this case
Sounds fichy to me ??
1 réponse
- Anonymeil y a 2 moisRéponse favorite
There are lots of cases that will never be solved. DNA doesn’t solve anything if they have no suspect to match it to. There are lots of murdered children who will never get justice. People just paid more attention to her because she was from a rich, white family, and she was sexualized by dressing up and wearing lots of makeup for the beauty pageants. Jonbenet Ramsey is certainly not the only murdered child whose case will not be solved. It’s far more common than you think.