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Eugene D a posé la question dans News & EventsMedia & Journalism · il y a 5 mois

Do you want Yahoo to turn on comments to articles again?

So months ago, Yahoo started to turn off comments on articles.  This allowed communication of thoughts and ideas, especially when articles are false or altered to fit the narrative.  

I used to rely on the comments to signify if the articles is falsified or tampered with, because we all know that yahoo pulls their articles from other sites.  Very rarely they do anything original themselves.Is simply turning off the comments detrimental to free speech as well?I would imagine EVERYONE would want this.You can give feedback to yahoo here:yahoocommentfeedback@verizonmedia.com

14 réponses

  • Anonyme
    il y a 5 mois
    Réponse favorite

    Yes I do badly. It's discusting they took away free speech so liberals can lie, and say whatever the hell they want unchallenged. 

  • Mike
    Lv 5
    il y a 4 mois

    Yeah it's funny watching brainless Republicans and Trump supporters writing such foolishness on Yahoo! In fact folks like you are so painfully stupid that you can only see the  world as just black and white. 

    Your reason for being a trump supporter is because of the other guys? 

    I mean I will be the first to tell you how much Biden sucks but you are so stupid that you think Trump is the answer! Would you like to buy a bridge from me in Brooklyn you sad low intelligence loser useful idiot?Yours truly,An American Independent

  • il y a 5 mois

    the NWO must keep the real Americans silent...can not allow the truth from the Republicans who support our President Trump to have any voice....how many conservatives have been banned/locked out of Facebook & Twitter???but the other groups are still allowed a voice against our nation??? The control of our news, our tv, our public voices, our schools, our day to day interaction, our families.....we are a nation under house arrest!!!!!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    il y a 5 mois

    NO ! I dont. It it does then this grand site will turn downmarket again overnight.

  • il y a 5 mois

    No. The noise, divisiveness, and bots were drowning out the coherent comments that related to what the article was about. I lost count of the number of comment threads that reached 10K comments, which 9900 of the comments were nothing but name calling.

  • il y a 5 mois

    Who cares they censor youR free speech and they they will take your guns. They are taking our money, the currency, our schools and universities and statues. They are not news they are fake optical pundits they are  hurtful and left and socialist.  They get mad when you say the word illegal alien. They are the wok and don’t know the illegals aliens hate them. They will become communist after the socials era. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    il y a 5 mois

    I'd love to be able to comment on NEWS articles.   Like the one today which was calling Sarah Ferguson, Ferguson throughout the article.   Honestly!!

  • Anonyme
    il y a 5 mois

    No, I don't and I've told yahoo so repeatedly.  They were a total cesspit.  I don't know why people have gotten into such a tizzy about it since real news sources (such as newspapers and broadcasters' sites and not aggregators) scaled back their comment sections years ago because they cost more to clean up the spamming and trolling than they brought in ad revenue.  "Free speech" in those countries where it's enshrined in law is the right to criticize the government without being persecuted by said government.  It does not include libel and slander, and there is certainly no "right" to force private companies to publish anyone's thoughts.  The whole world isn't some sort of vast conspiracy against you and "fake news" doesn't mean an opinion you disagree with.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    il y a 5 mois

    No. I’ve never read a news article I felt would be enhanced by the uninformed opinions of the public.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 5 mois

    The comments facility was being misused to post abuse and extremist propaganda and I'm happy for it to be permanently turned off.

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