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when was the last time you gave your neighbor some advice ?
3 réponses
- AndrewLv 4il y a 8 moisRéponse favorite
Probably 4 or 5 years ago when he tried to bang on my door in the middle of the night to tell me something I already knew as it took me years to realize my neighbor is desperate for any conversation with anyone, so I avoid him like all the other neighbors do.
- No MoreLv 7il y a 8 mois
about a month or so ago. It was simple, helpful advice about garbage days since they were new neighbors.
I try not to bother my neighbors.
- AouarLv 6il y a 8 mois
2 years ago, when my neighbor decided to burn the dead tree near from my house and it was a mistake and it caused a massive smoke in my back yard and he didn't apologize for it.