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? a posé la question dans Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · il y a 11 mois

What are the chances my friend still has feelings for her ex?

She was ditched by him like an old towel with no explanation whatsoever, and he’s waltzed back into her life saying sorry and telling her he still loves her. 

She’s accepted his friend request. 

I honestly find it hard to believe that she, knowing better than anyone what he’s capable of, has done this. 

The only reason I can think is because she still likes him?

What do you think?

1 réponse

  • il y a 11 mois

    I think I already responded to this one and that taking to Yahoo Answers will only cause you more anxiety over the issue.

    Honestly, she probably did allow him back in because he's finally paying attention to her the way he never did before. When mistreated like that, it's hard to cut the abuser off because the victim usually wants validation from them. She's getting that positive attention now. 

    He probably came back because he knew she was starting to move on and he's a douchebag with a god-complex who likes to tag along in girls' lives.

    Have a conversation with her. Clearly you're uncomfortable with it. Doesn't matter if you aren't dating yet, you have the intention of being with her and should lay a decent foundation for it. 

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